▪  GMAO at AGU: a Little Hard Work leads to Big Easy Presentations (12.27.2017)

NASA's Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) made a strong presence at this year's American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting held in New Orleans, Louisiana, December 11-15, 2017

▪  Remembering Nicole Raphael (12.27.2017)

It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of our Resource Analyst, Nicole Raphael, at the age of 34. Nicole passed away on December 10, 2017.

▪  When in Rome: The GMAO Participates in the 5th International Conference on Reanalysis (12.07.2017)

The GMAO was well represented at the conference with nine attendees (seen in the photo below), six oral presentations, 10 poster presentations, a member of the scientific organizing committee, and a representative in the panel discussion.

▪  GMAO Makes a Super Impact at Supercomputing Conference 2017 (11.28.2017)

Supercomputing Conference 2017 exhibitors in attendance from the GMAO were Dr. Thomas Clune, Dr. William Putman, Brent Smith and Amidu Oloso. Their presentations were in the "Our Planet and Supercomputing" sections of the meeting.

▪  GMAO Young Scientists Present Their Work (11.03.2017)

A number of GMAO lab members participated in the Annual SED Young Scientist Forum, held at GSFC, October 30, 2017.

▪  28th CERES Science Team Meeting and GMAO (10.18.2017)

The 28th CERES Science Team Meeting was held at GSFC on September 26-28, 2017, and the GMAO had a strong presence at the meeting.

▪  GMAO Running for Fun (10.13.2017)

GMAO had a great turnout of 21 runners and walkers on October 4 for the 84th NASA Intracenter Run.

▪  GMAO supports first ASPIRE launch (10.05.2017)

Four new civil servants have taken up their duties in the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) over the past year. They are Andrea Molod, Eric Hackert, Lauren Andrews, and Nathan Arnold.

▪  Meet GMAO's Newest Civil Servants (09.28.2017)

Four new civil servants have taken up their duties in the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) over the past year. They are Andrea Molod, Eric Hackert, Lauren Andrews, and Nathan Arnold.

▪  The Recipe for an Active Atlantic Hurricane Season (08.31.2017)

In order to have an active hurricane season in the Atlantic, three key components: sea surface temperature, wind structure, and atmospheric pressure have to be just right.

▪  The Great American Solar Eclipse as Seen by the GMAO (08.30.2017)

Members of the GMAO traveled to different locations around the USA: Florida, Nebraska, Tennessee, Wyoming, and South Carolina for the total solar eclipse of 21 August, 2017. Others chose to watch the event locally, either close to home or on campus at GSFC.

▪  Eclipse Across America: GEOS Cloud Predictions (08.18.2017)

GEOS FP model run plots that suggest the areas of the US with and without predicted significant cloudiness at 1800hrs UTC on 21 August 2017 are available on the GMAO website.

▪  GMAO at Goddard's 2017 Science Jamboree (07.19.2017)

This year's Science Jamboree was held on Wednesday, July 12 in Goddard Space Flight Center's Building 28. Crowds of employees, families and other visitors interacted with other employees to learn about all the important work being done at Goddard.

▪  GMAO Welcomes Five Summer Interns (06.29.2017)

For the summer of 2017, GMAO is pleased to host five interns who were selected from NASA's OSSI program to work on a variety of research topics with our staff.

▪  MERRA-2: Data for You (06.06.2017)

MERRA-2 AMS Special Collection Released, summary of MERRA and MERRA-2 Data Distribution, and the Premier of the MERRA-2 Logo

▪  New GMAO Arrivals! (06.06.2017)

The GMAO family has been expanding lately!

▪  GMAO on the Run - NASA Goddard 2-Mile Spring Fun Run (05.26.2017)

GMAO had a great turnout of 25 runners and walkers on May 10 for the 83rd NASA Intracenter Run.

▪  Gi-Kong Kim retires from NASA & GMAO (03.02.2017)

Congratulations to Gi-Kong Kim on his retirement from a long and illustrious career at NASA and the GMAO. Over the past two decades, Gi-Kong led the operations and production group, initially for the atmospheric analyses in the Data Assimilation Office (DAO).

▪  Clara Draper takes position at NOAA ESRL (03.02.2017)

Congratulations to Clara Draper, who will be moving to NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, CO.

▪  Announcing 2016 GMAO Peer Award Winners (02.27.2017)

We extend our congratulations to the winners of the 2015 GMAO Peer Awards.

▪  The GMAO, photographed on February 23, 2017 (02.27.2017)

GMAO's staff is pictured in a recent group photo.

▪  Summary of GMAO Field Campaign Support for 2016 (01.24.2017)

GMAO supported nine different field campaigns in 2016, which implied an extremely busy year for the Operational Production. The geographical extent of these campaigns spanned the entire globe, from the North Pole to the South Pole, with numerous locations in between.

▪  NASA's GMAO Makes A Strong Presence at AGU Fall 2016 Meeting (01.19.2017)

GMAO scientists gave a total of 13 talks and 17 poster presentations on topics ranging from cutting-edge assimilations of CO2 satellite data to the performance of the GEOS Seasonal Forecasting System in predicting the 2015/2016 El Nino, and associated teleconnection patterns at high latitudes. Here are a few highlights from the meeting.