1° Analysis

Note: restarts from this analysis are used for the decadal forecast so may be referred to as Decadal

Version: GEOS5odas-5.00: odas-506/D001

Model: MOM4 OGCM (1° X 1° X 50 levels) coupled at every time step with the GEOS-5 AGCM (2 1/2° X 2° X 72 levels) in a Replay mode and the Los Alamos CICE model.

Data Assimilation: Ensemble Optimal Interpolation where the covariances are drawn from a static ensemble. That ensemble consists of the 50 leading state EOFs of a two-year run of 20 different coupled models. The total size of the initial ensemble of perturbations was 1000.

Online Availability:  monthly averages from 1960

Collections: ocn_ana_2D, ocn_ana_3D, ocn_cmip5, ocn_cmip5_sw, ocn_lnd, ocn_merra

Variables: Naming convention used in the CMIP5 protocol

Assimilated Data
Variable Source
Temperature profiles XBT, CTD, TAO, PIRATA, RAMA, Argo, WOA 2009 Climatology
10-year sliding-window mean of available in-situ observations (prior to 1990)
Salinity Profiles CTD, Argo, WOA 2009 Climatology
10-year sliding-window mean of available in-situ observations (prior to 1990)
Surface Temperature Blended monthly CMIP5/Reynolds (1960-1981)
Daily Reynolds (1982-present)
Ice Concentration Monthly CMIP5 (1960-1977), Daily NSIDC (1978-present)
Sea-level Anomaly Topex/Poseidon, Jason
Surface Salinity WOA 2009 Climatology
Synthetic Salinity XBT, TAO