Ocean Data Collections

Dimensions: 3D: Longitude = 360, Latitude = 181, Levels = 50

Variables names using the CMIP5 protocol

Online Availability:

  • 1° Analysis: monthly averages from 1960:   FTPTDS
  • 1/2° Analysis: monthly averages from 1993-present:   FTPTDS

Ocean CMIP5 Fields
Variable Description
sic Sea ice area fraction
sit Sea ice thickness
pbo Pressure at sea floor
zos Sea level height
masscello Mass per unit area
thetao Potential temperataure
so Salinity
uo Eastward current
vo Northward current
wmo Upward mass transport
wmosq Upward mass transport squared
hfds Turbulent heat flux from skin to ocean
tsice Weighted ice surface temperature
tsnint Weighted temperature at interface between sea ice and snow
transiy Y component of sea ice mass transport
tranix X component of sea ice mass transport
snd Mean snow thickness of grid cell
sim Frozen water mass