Ocean Data Collections

Dimensions: 2D: Longitude = 144, Latitude = 91

Variables names using the CMIP5 protocol

Online Availability:

  • 1° Analysis: monthly averages from 1960:   FTPTDS

Ocean Saltwater CMIP5 Fields
Variable Description
evap Water evaporation flux
ialb Bare sea ice albedo
pr Surface rainfall rate into the sea ice portion of the grid cell
prsn Surface snowfall rate into the sea ice portion of the grid cell
grFazil Frazil sea ice growth rate
grCongel Congelation sea ice growth rate
grLateral Lateral sea ice growth rate
snToIce Snow ice formation rate
snomelt Snow melt rate
tmelt Rate of melt at upper surface of sea ice
bmelt Rate of melt at sea ice base
rsdssi Surface downwelling shortwave flux in air
rsussi Surface upwelling shortwave flux in air
fsitherm Water flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics
sfdsi Downward sea ice basal salt flux
hfsifrazil Heat flux into sea water due to frazil ice formation