Ocean Data Collections

Dimensions: 2D: Longitude = 144, Latitude = 91, Levels = 72

Variables names using the CMIP5 protocol

Online Availability:

  • 1° Analysis: monthly averages from 1960:   FTPTDS

    MERRA Forcing Fields
    Variable Description
    U10M 10-meter eastward wind
    V10M 10-meter northward wind
    T10M 10-meter air temperature
    Q10M 10-meter specific humidity
    SHWTR Open water upward sensible heat flux
    SHICE Sea ice upward sensible heat flux
    HLATWTR Open water latent energy flux
    HLATICE Sea ice latent energy flux
    LWDWTR Open water net downward longwave flux
    LWNDICE Sea ice net downward longwave flux
    SWNDWTR Open water net downward shortwave flux
    SWNDICE Sea ice net downward shortwave flux
    SNOWOCN Ocean snowfall
    RAINOCN Ocean rainfall
    TAUXWTR Eastward stress over water
    TAUYWTR Northward stress over water
    TAUXICE Eastward stress over ice
    TAUYICE Northward stress over ice
    FRSEAICE Ice covered fraction of tile
    EVAP Evaporation from turbulence
    U2M 2-meter eastward wind
    V2M 2-meter northward wind
    T2M 2-meter air temperature
    Q2M 2-meter specific humidity
    LHFX Total latent energy flux
    SHOUT Upward sensible heat flux
    USTAR Surface velocity scale
    RUNOFF Runoff flux
    RUNSURF Surface runoff flux
    DISCHARGE River discharge at ocean points
    LWS Surface absorbed longwave radiation
    SLRSF Surface incoming shortwave flux
    RSRS Surface net downward shortwave flux
    SNO Snowfall
    TPREC Total precipitation
    Q Specific humidity
    RH2 Relative humidity after moist
    RADSRF Net downwelling radiation at surface
    PS Surface pressure
    SLP Sea level pressure