Ocean Data Collections

Dimensions: 2D: Longitude = 144, Latitude = 91

Variables names using the CMIP5 protocol

Online Availability:

  • 1° Analysis: monthly averages from 1960:   FTPTDS

Land Fields
Variable Description
HLML Surface layer height
TLML Surface air temperature
QLML Surface specific humidity
SPEEDLML Surface wind speed
LWGAB Surface absorbed longwave radiation
SWGDN Surface incoming shortwave flux
PARDF Surface downwelling par diffuse flux
PARDR Surface downwelling par beam flux
PCU Liquid_water convective precipitation
PLS Liquid water large scale precipitation
PRECSNO Snowfall
GWETROOT Root zone soil wetness
GWETTOP Surface soil wetness
TPSNOW Surface temperature of snow
TUNST Surface temperature of unsaturated zone
TSAT Surface temperature of saturated zone
TWLT Surface temperature of wilted zone
TSOIL1 Soil temperatures layer 1
SNOMAS Total snow storage land
SNODP Snow depth
RUNOFF Surface runoff flux
BASEFLOW Baseflow flux
SMLAND Snowmelt flux land
FRUNST Fractional area of unsaturated zone
FRSAT Fractional area of saturated zone
FRSNO Fractional area of land snowcover
FRWLT Fractional area of wilting zone
SHLAND Sensible heat flux land
LHLAND Net longwave land
EVLAND Evaporation land
LWLAND Net longwave land
SWLAND Net shortwave land
GHLAND Ground heating land
TWLAND Aail water storage land
TELAND Total energy storage land