▪  GMAO's PESEP Visitor from India (10.09.2018)

GMAO is hosting a visitor from India, Dr. Rabindra Kumar Nayak. After spending a month in the GMAO, he will move to JPL for another month. His visit is sponsored by a collaborative exchange program set up between the US and India. The Professional Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program (PESEP) was initiated in 2010, signed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of India and the President of the United States of America, in order to expand cooperation in civil space activities. It includes several US agencies, including NASA, and ISRO, the Indian Space Research Organization

▪  The GMAO Opens a New Season of the Sunday Experiment (09.18.2018)

On September 16, members of the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) interacted with the public for the kick-off to this season’s Sunday Experiment events, held monthly at the Goddard Visitors Center.

▪  GEOS Premiers on the NASA Earth Observatory (08.24.2018)

Recent Goddard Earth Observing System Forward Processing (GEOS FP) model outputs are being highlighted for the first time on NASA's Earth Observatory, featured in the story Just Another Day on Aerosol Earth.

▪  GMAO at Goddard's 2018 Science Jamboree (07.31.2018)

The Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) took part in the Science Jamboree, held in Building 28 on Wednesday, July 25. GMAO team members had the opportunity to interact with many visitors to discuss the various aspects of GMAO products.

▪  GMAO Welcomes Five Summer Visiting Interns (07.06.2018)

For the summer of 2018, GMAO is pleased to host five visitors: three were selected as part of the One Stop Shopping Initiative for NASA Interns, Fellows and Scholars program, which is being replaced by a new NASA intern and fellowship program beginning in fall 2018.

▪  GMAO's "Notion of Ocean Motion" Demonstration Part of NASA's Earth Day 2018 (05.09.2018)

Members of the GMAO team took part in NASA’s Earth Day activities held in the Main Hall of Washington DC’s Union Station on April 19 and 20, 2018.

▪  GMAO on the Run for Fun (05.08.2018)

GMAO staff members participated in the GSFC Spring Fun Run.

▪  GMAO continues to provide support for ASPIRE (04.16.2018)

GMAO will continue to support the Advanced Supersonic Parachute Inflation Research Experiment (ASPIRE) launches every two months for the next year.

▪  GMAO Participates in the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Oregon's City of Roses (03.10.2018)

Within the shadow of Mt. Hood, GMAO staff traveled to the “City of Roses” in Portland, OR to attend the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting (Feb 12-16, 2018).

▪  Out and About with the GMAO (03.09.2018)

Between late January and early March 2018, GMAO members traveled to numerous locations to present results of their work, participate in discussions, and plan for future developments.

▪  GMAO Well-Represented at AMS in Austin (02.12.2018)

The "Live Music Capital of the World" became the AMS capital for a week as members of NASA's Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) gathered in Austin, Texas for the 98th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society early in January, 2018. GMAO scientists showed a strong presence by providing a number of informative oral presentations, along with poster and Hyperwall sessions.

▪  Robin Kovach and Sterling Spangler Receive Company Awards - Congratulations! (02.07.2018)

Robin Kovach has received the Leadership Award from her company, Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI). Sterling Spangler has received the inaugural "Corporate Citizen Award" also from his company, SSAI.

▪  The Retirement of Max Suarez (01.25.2018)

In December of 2017, Dr. Max Suarez retired after more than 30 years of service to NASA. Max joined NASA Goddard in the early 1980s as part of the Laboratory for Atmosphere's Modeling and Assimilation Branch, and ever since that time he has been at the forefront of Goddard's climate modeling efforts.