GMAO Well-Represented at AMS in Austin
The “Live Music Capital of the World” became the AMS capital for a week as members of NASA’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) gathered in Austin, Texas for the 98th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society early in January, 2018. The weather in Austin started out mild but toward the end of the week high winds pummeled the city and chilly temperatures followed. Indoors, GMAO scientists showed a strong presence by providing a number of informative oral presentations, along with poster and Hyperwall sessions, covering topics ranging from improved air quality forecasting to ENSO prediction skill and bias.
The sessions were well-attended. Throughout the week, GMAO members took many opportunities to interact with other scientists in related fields, from many agencies and organizations. In addition, the dynamic Hyperwall presentations were held for many attendees at the NASA Earth Science location in the bustling Austin Convention Center Expo Hall.
Oral Presentations:
- David Carvalho – NASA’s GMAO atmospheric motion vectors simulator: description and application to the MISTiC Winds concept.
- Ron Gelaro – Climate Reanalysis: Progress and Future Prospects.
- Dan Holdaway – Progress towards integrating the Finite Volume Cubed-Sphere (FV3) dynamical core tangent linear and adjoint models into JEDI.
- Christoph Keller (on behalf of Emma Knowland) – Air pollution forecasts using the NASA GEOS model: A unified tool from local to global scales.
- Christoph Keller – Atmospheric chemistry modeling and air quality forecasting using a regression forest model.
- Christoph Keller – Air Quality Modeling Using the NASA GEOS-5 Multispecies Data Assimilation System
- Will McCarty – An OSSE Investigating a Constellation of 4-5μm Infrared Sounders.
- Isaac Moradi – Assimilation of all-weather GMI and ATMS observations into HWRF.
- Isaac Moradi – On the limitations of variational bias correction.
- Steven Pawson – Year-to-Year Changes in the Earth System: A Study of the Carbon Cycle using NASA Observations and the GEOS Model (as part of the Piers Sellers’ Legacy series.)
- William Putman – Synergistic and Collaborative Development Strategies for FV3 Powered Next Generation Unified Global Modeling System.
- Rolf Reichle – Global Assessment of the SMAP Level-4 Surface and Root-Zone Soil Moisture Product Using Assimilation Diagnostics.
- Deepthi Achuthavarier – Prediction and predictability of the Madden Julian Oscillation in the NASA GEOS-5 seasonal-to-subseasonal system.
- Anna Borovikov – GEOS-5 Seasonal Forecast System: ENSO Prediction Skill and Bias.
- Yehui Chang – A realization of bias correction method in the GMAO coupled system.
- Abhishek Chatterjee (on behalf of Brad Weir) – Tracer transport differences: Challenges and implications for flux inversions.
- Abhishek Chatterjee – NASA's Carbon Cycle OSSE Initiative - Informing future space-based observing strategies through advanced modeling and data assimilation.
- Clara Draper - Observation Error Specification for Near-Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation: Does It Matter?
- Min-Jeong Kim – Examining Dense Data Usage near the Regions with Severe Storms in All-Sky Microwave Radiance Data Assimilation and Impacts on GEOS Hurricane Analyses.
- Zhao Li – Winter Precipitation in North America and the Pacific-North America pattern in GEOS-S2Sv2 Seasonal hindcast.
- Nikki Privé – Performance and Evaluation of the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office Observing System Simulation Experiment Framework.
Hyperwall Presentations:
- Steven Pawson – The Value of NASA Observations for Analyses of the Earth System.
- William Putman – The 2017 hurricane season (clouds, smoke and dust): from observations to simulation.
Please visit to view the posters that GMAO researchers presented at this meeting.