Celebrating Jing Guo on His Retirement


The GMAO congratulates Dr. Jing Guo on his retirement at the end of March 2022. Photo of Jing Guo

Jing joined the Data Assimilation Office in 1994. His work was pivotal to the development of the Physical-space Statistical Analysis System (PSAS) and it became a key ingredient for supporting NASA’s EOS-AM-1 (Terra). In 2002, Jing continued as a member of GMAO and over his tenure has contributed to the GMAO-NCEP joint development and maintenance of the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) atmospheric analysis system. Jing’s work has facilitated two major GMAO reanalyses and supported a number of NASA Missions. Jing’s expertise also has helped in improving efficiency of various aspects of GMAO’s Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) framework.

Perhaps Jing’s most valuable contribution to the DAO and GMAO appears in hidden forms. Jing’s sharing with his colleagues his deep understanding of computer programming has been essential. To the tyros among us, he has served as mentor, guide and, as some have called him, a Master; to the more expert among us, he has provided invaluable feedback in the design of many of our subsystems. Jing has always been a step ahead when it comes to scientific programming. His expertise has been particularly relevant at paradigm-shifting times when, for example, message passing was introduced in the late 1990’s, and more recently with the shift towards object-oriented programming. Jing’s expertise and guidance also has served those in other branches of Goddard and at EMC/NOAA.

Above all, we express our profound gratitude to Dr. Jing Guo. We celebrate his integrity and character—always a pleasure to work with and always ready to lend a helping hand. We will miss him dearly, but we wish Jing a wonderful journey into retirement.

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