The Virtual 102nd American Meteorological Society Meeting
The 102nd American Meteorological Society (AMS) meeting, January 23-27, 2022, changed from a hybrid meeting to a completely virtual meeting shortly before the event took place. Members of the GMAO staff participated in 9 presentations this year including The Role of the Tropics in Producing the Exceptional Warmth over Eurasia and North America during January through March of 2020 and Asymmetry in Subseasonal Surface Air Temperature Forecast Error with Respect to Soil Moisture Initialization. This year five posters were shown including An Overview of ARTMIP’s Tier 2 Renalysis Intecomparison: Uncertainty in the Detection of Atmospheric Rivers and their Associated Precipitation and Assimilation of microwave satellite observations over the rainbands of tropical cyclones.
As with last year, our hopes are we will once again be able to attend meetings in person, providing opportunities for in-depth discussions, collaborations, and knowledge transfer.
Oral Presentations:

Please visit to view PDF versions of their AMS posters.