Supercomputing Conference Hyper for GMAO’s Hyperwall Presentations!


Photo: Hyperwall presentation shot 4

Four members of the GMAO, Tom Clune, Bill Putman, Ben Auer, and Matt Thompson, attended SC16 supercomputing conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, 13-18 November 2016. Each gave a Hyperwall presentation at the NASA Booth, showcasing GMAO work:

Photo: Hyperwall presentation shot 3

Tom Clune discussed tools under development that can simulate a parallel environment that enables testing and debugging a massively parallel program using only a single processor. Bill Putman wowed the audience with beautiful animations from runs that have been pushing the envelope of GEOS-5, such as the 1.5km run that was performed last summer, as well as giving an overview of other experiments expanding the boundaries of GEOS-5. Ben Auer gave an overview of the GEOS-Chem nature run that was performed by various members of the GMAO, being the first time GEOS-Chem had been run at a 12.5km resolution. This was also NASA’s Our Planet featured demo. Finally, Matt Thompson discussed efforts to improve the scaling of GEOS-5 as the model moves to higher operational resolutions.

Photo: Hyperwall presentation shot 1

Photo: Hyperwall presentation shot 1

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