


03/11/2025 Kelly Hereid Catastrophe risk in a changing climate – How the financial sector manages the changing risk of hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and more
02/25/2025 Matthew Johnson Applying satellites to better understand air quality and the carbon cycle
02/11/2025 Christian Grams The representation of synoptic-scale processes in models and their benefit for medium-to-extended-range prediction
02/04/2025 Andrew Robertson Seasonal and Subseasonal Forecasting for Climate Services
01/28/2025 Tristan L New Global Far-Infrared Measurements from PREFIRE: Introduction and Outlook for Numerical Modeling
11/19/2024 Yanqiu Zhu PBL Data Assimilation in the GEOS system at NASA GMAO
11/12/2024 Kenneth Davis Seeing the forest and the trees: Progress toward monitoring and understanding regional GHG fluxes
10/15/2024 Cedric David Global River Model Modeling, Data Assimilation, and Open Science
10/08/2024 Anna Deppenmeier Tropical Pacific variability from models and (future) observations
09/24/2024 Zhaoxia Pu All-Sky Assimilation of GOES-16 Water Vapor Channels with Bias Correction and Consideration of Cloud-Dependent Inter-channel Observation Error Correlations
09/17/2024 Benjamin Zaitchik Vegetation as a mediator and predictor of flash drought on S2S time scales
06/25/2024 Kevin Bowman Towards seamless carbon cycle prediction: from data assimilation to emergent constraints
06/18/2024 Andrew Moore Ocean Data Assimilation using the 4D-Var Saddle-Point Formulation: A Game Changer?
06/11/2024 Yanqiu Zhu PBL Data Assimilation in the GEOS system at NASA GMAO
05/21/2024 Mark Carroll Data Science at Goddard
05/14/2024 Charlotte DeMott Marine surface fluxes in the global climate system
05/07/2024 Kaitlyn Loftus Building better cloud microphysics parameterizations with machine learning-enabled Bayesian statistics and observation-based structural interrogation
04/16/2024 Jordan Christian Flash Droughts: A Local to Global Analysis
03/19/2024 Mingfang Ting Understanding extreme events in a changing climate
03/12/2024 Daniel Swain Increasing "whiplash" due to climate change: Perspectives on volatility in the hydrologic cycle (and beyond) in a warming world
03/05/2024 Stephanie Granger The NASA Western Water Applications Office: Putting NASA data to work to inform water management in the western US
02/27/2024 Katie Baynes Charting a Course: A NASA HQ Perspective on Earth Science Data Systems
02/20/2024 Inna Polichtchouk Resolved gravity waves in km-scale models: A stratospheric perspective
02/13/2024 Clara Orbe Nonlinearity of the Atmospheric Circulation Response to Increased CO2: Influence of Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling.
11/14/2023 Katherine Travis Modeling Atmospheric Composition as Part of the Integrated Observing System for Air Quality
11/07/2023 Corwin Wright Hunga Tonga 2022: waves propagating globally from surface to edge of space
10/24/2023 Sarah Ringerud Microwave Emissivity and Precipitation Retrieval Over Land
10/10/2023 Patrick Taylor Clouds in the Arctic climate system: A force for change?
10/03/2023 Ruby Leung Modeling Extreme Events and their Future Changes
09/26/2023 Kathleen Pegion Understanding Sources of Predictability for Better Subseasonal Forecasts
09/19/2023 Paul Loikith Meteorological Drivers of the June 2021 Pacific Northwest Heat Wave
09/12/2023 Marcus van Lier-Walqui Towards a Workflow for Data-Driven Global Atmospheric Model Calibration
06/27/2023 Julie Demuth Developing improved NWP and AI guidance for forecasters by integrating social, physical, and computational sciences
06/20/2023 Benjamin Cook Climate Models as a tool for Process Oriented Investigations of Drought
06/13/2023 Alexander Robel The Past and the Future of Ice Sheets as Told by Stochastic Models
06/06/2023 Aneesh Subramanian Exploring the impact of ocean data assimilation and use of machine learning for improving weather to subseasonal forecasts
05/23/2023 Anthony Bloom Projecting biosphere-atmosphere C exchanges in a future Earth System
05/16/2023 Tim Payne Recent developments in 4D-Var for atmospheric data assimilation
05/09/2023 Suzana Camargo Tropical Cyclone Projections Using Environmental Proxies and Statistical-Dynamical Downscaling
05/02/2023 David Henderson Assessing the Characteristics of Convective Initiation Using High-Resolution Model Simulations and Geostationary Satellite Observations
04/18/2023 Eli Tziperman From a wet future California to the difficulties of attribution current extreme events to anthropogenic climate change
03/28/2023 Sean Casey Recent Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) conducted under NOAA
03/21/2023 Maria Molina Machine Learning-based Predictability Assessment and Bias Correction of Subseasonal Precipitation
03/14/2023 Ming Zhao A Study of Atmospheric River, Tropical Storm, and Mesoscale Convective System Associated Precipitation and Extreme Precipitation in Present and Warmer Climates
03/07/2023 Joanne Waller Assimilation of surface-based observations at the Met Office
02/28/2023 Laura Slivinski An Hourly-Cycling Global Data Assimilation System
02/21/2023 Tracey Holloway Linking Data with Decision-Making on Air Quality
02/14/2023 Steven Pawson 2022: The World According to GEOS
02/07/2023 Michael Puma Emerging opportunities to improve food systems and human migration outcomes through NASA’s Earth Observations
01/31/2023 Jonathan Jiang 21st Century Global and Regional Surface Temperature Projections
01/24/2023 David Legler Global Ocean Observing: Challenges and Opportunities
11/15/2022 Kate Marvel Why now? Severe drought in the US Southwest and the role of human-caused emissions
11/08/2022 Elizabeth Satterfield An Update on the Navy’s JEDI-enabled NEPTUNE Data Assimilation System
11/01/2022 Clara Deser Projected Changes in Unforced Modes of Atmospheric Circulation Variability over the North Pacific in a Coupled Model Large Ensemble
10/25/2022 Eunhee Lee Assessment of Geo-Kompsat-2A Atmospheric Motion Vector Data and Its Assimilation Impact in the GEOS Atmospheric Data Assimilation System
10/18/2022 Stephen Guimond The Dynamics of Megafire Smoke Plumes in Climate Models: Why a Converged Solution Matters for Physical Interpretations
10/11/2022 Isla Simpson A global discrepancy in historical near surface humidity trends between Earth System Models and observations
10/04/2022 Jessica Neu Using Satellite Measurements to Understand Changes in Atmospheric Composition from Earth’s Surface to the Stratosphere
09/27/2022 Colette Heald Up in the Air: Investigating Global Atmospheric Aerosols
09/20/2022 Jeff Steward Forecast observation system simulation experiments (OSSEs) of's planned spaceborne radar constellation with statistical observation operators
06/21/2022 Stephanie Henderson The role of modal interference in optimal PNA pattern growth
06/14/2022 Scott Weaver Strengthening Meteorological Enterprise Coordination to Advance Science and Services
06/07/2022 Maria Hakuba Libera & “Space Balls”: Future Observations of Earth’s Radiation Budget and the Science they enable
05/24/2022 David Duncan Microwave sounder assimilation and improving skill in numerical weather prediction
05/17/2022 Allegra LeGrande Paleoclimate constraints on clouds and convective parameterizations in the GISS E2.1
05/10/2022 Andy Aschwanden A reanalysis of the Greenland Ice Sheet
05/03/2022 Matthew Long The atmospheric signature of Southern Ocean carbon fluxes
04/26/2022 Prasad Kasibhatla Heterogeneity in Airborne Transmission of COVID-19 by Respiratory Aerosols
04/05/2022 Carolina Dufour Response of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice to climate change: Effect of refining horizontal resolution in ocean models
03/29/2022 Ann Fridlind Improving stratiform mixed-phase clouds in ModelE: Recent results and ongoing work
03/22/2022 Sarah Schlunegger Understanding combined climate change and variability impacts on global ocean chemistry and ecology
03/15/2022 Elizabeth Thompson Observations of precipitation, boundary layer clouds, and coupled air-sea transition zones over tropical oceans: science questions, satellite evaluation, and model improvement opportunities
03/08/2022 Spencer Jones Finding the transport-relevant surface velocity field using Lagrangian filtering in LLC4320
03/01/2022 Nicholas Parazoo The Arctic Boreal Region: An Undiscovered Country within the Global Carbon Cycle
02/22/2022 Sarah Larson Using coupled models to better understand the ocean’s role in extra-tropical climate variability
02/15/2022 Thomas L. Frölicher Marine heatwaves and ocean biogeochemical extremes: Key processes, changes and impacts
02/08/2022 Christopher Tessum Machine-learned atmospheric chemical mechanisms
02/01/2022 Ben Livneh A song of ice and fire: The impact of declining snowpack on water supply prediction and the role of wildfire on landslide susceptibility.
11/09/2021 Jan Lenaerts Air, Ice, and Water: Combining Models and Observations to Understand Antarctic Ice Sheet-Climate Interactions
11/02/2021 Jeff Reid CAMP2Ex: An Earth System Modeling Perspective for GMAO
10/26/2021 Angeline Pendergrass From global mean to local extreme precipitation: Quantifying precipitation variability across scales
10/19/2021 Marcus van Lier-Walqui The right tool: Bayesian inference and new modeling paradigms to address structural errors in clouds and climate models
10/12/2021 Lee Murray Factors driving variability in atmospheric composition within and between global atmospheric models
09/28/2021 Cristina Archer The complex story of how wind turbines affect near-ground properties
09/21/2021 Joellen Russell Designing the Required Southern Ocean Observing System for Predicting Climate Change: Robot floats, Satellites, & Supercomputers
06/29/2021 Graeme Stephens Earth, the blue planet?
06/22/2021 Annette Miltenberger Cloud microphysics uncertainty and aerosol-cloud interactions in the context of limited predictability and environmental condition uncertainty
06/15/2021 Erin Jones Evaluating the Use of CrIS Shortwave Infrared Observations in Data Assimilation: What We’ve Learned So Far
06/08/2021 Angela Benedetti Advances in aerosol assimilation and future perspectives
05/18/2021 Sue van den Heever How Can We Better Simulate Convective Cold Pools?
05/11/2021 Peter Landschützer How variable is the ocean carbon sink?
05/04/2021 Matt Mazloff Estimating the biogeochemical state of the Southern Ocean
04/27/2021 Tim Hall Decadal Projections of Tropical Cyclone Activity on the US and Caribbean
03/30/2021 Greg Elsaesser Using Machine Learning to Generate a Tuned and Balanced GCM Ensemble
03/23/2021 Nicole Schlegel Models and data: a critical relationship for constraining uncertainty in ice-sheet model projections
03/16/2021 Jim Crawford Future airborne research in support of atmospheric composition and air quality: Contributions to integrated observations and modeling
03/09/2021 Xubin Zeng Land-atmosphere interactions at diurnal to climate time scales from observations and modeling: Our recent progress
03/02/2021 Charles Koven The long tail of the terrestrial carbon cycle: permafrost and big trees in a changing world
02/23/2021 Matt Newman Mining Large Climate Model Datasets to Make Multi-Year Initialized Global Sea Surface Temperature Forecasts
02/16/2021 Catherine Prigent Global microwave surface emissivity estimation
02/09/2021 Jim Randerson Wildfire-Climate Interactions
02/02/2021 Irina Sandu Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Weather Forecasts and Climate Reanalysis in the Arctic and Beyond
01/26/2021 Sam Silva Development and Implementation of Machine Learning Emulators for the Earth System
11/17/2020 Sara Jones Seamless Prediction from minutes to hours - SINFONY@DWD
11/10/2020 Nadia Smith Diagnosing MERRA-2 using CLIMCAPS satellite soundings from AIRS/AMSU and CrIS/ATMS
11/03/2020 Natasha MacBean Model-Data Fusion for Reducing Uncertainty in Global Carbon Cycle Predictions: How Far Have We Come and How Far Do We Have To Go?
10/27/2020 Patricia de Rosnay Current and future coupled land-atmosphere data assimilation at ECMWF
10/20/2020 Sonia Seneviratne Climate change and extreme events: Why every year matters
10/13/2020 Carol Anne Clayson Small-scale ocean variability and air sea interactions
10/06/2020 Oliver Fuhrer Learning how to forget: How high-level abstractions can help solve the software productivity gap for weather and climate models on modern supercomputers
09/29/2020 John Kimball Potential utility of the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer (CIMR) for addressing NASA Decadal Survey objectives and Ecosystem Science
09/15/2020 Patrick Stegmann Atmospheric Trace Gases and Aerosol Optical Properties in Release 2.4 of the CRTM
06/30/2020 Ruth Mottram Understanding Greenland Ice Sheet surface - atmosphere interaction: past, present, future
06/16/2020 Amy McGovern
05/05/2020 Carolyn Reynolds The Naval Research Laboratory’s New Global Coupled System
03/10/2020 Alistair Adcroft Innovations in modeling ocean climate with MOM6
02/25/2020 Helen Worden Two Decades of MOPITT - What have we learned from satellite carbon monoxide observations?
02/11/2020 Natasha MacBean Model-Data Fusion for Reducing Uncertainty in Global Carbon Cycle Predictions: How Far Have We Come and How Far Do We Have To Go?
01/28/2020 Robert Field Causes, predictability and mitigation of severe biomass burning in Indonesia
11/19/2019 Patricia Castellanos Seminar postponed
11/12/2019 Bill Lapenta
11/05/2019 Laura Holt
10/29/2019 Ángel G. Muñoz Fantastic sub-seasonal skills and where to find them
10/22/2019 Dimitris Menemenlis Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO): Overview and application to ocean biogeochemistry
10/08/2019 Susanne Bauer
09/17/2019 Daniel Jacob GEOS-Chem atmospheric chemistry model: current capabilities and future developments
06/18/2019 Arlene Fiore
06/04/2019 Eli Foufoula-Georgiou Seminar postponed until Fall 2019
05/21/2019 Anthony Weaver Developments in hybrid background error covariance modelling for the NEMOVAR global ocean data assimilation system
05/14/2019 Jadwiga (Yaga) Richter Response of the quasi-biennial oscillation to a warming climate in global climate models
04/30/2019 Anna Shlyaeva Background error covariance localization in serial ensemble Kalman filters
04/16/2019 JT Reager Investigating the Terrestrial Water Cycle With Satellite Data
04/02/2019 Sophie Nowicki Understanding sea level change due to ice sheets: challenges beyond dynamical ice sheet modeling
03/19/2019 Kevin Reed Detecting Climate Change Impacts on Extreme Weather
03/05/2019 Mike Dinniman Ocean Melting of Antarctic Ice Shelves: Why do we care (besides sea level rise)?
02/19/2019 Derek Posselt Observing System Simulation Experiments for Convective Clouds
02/05/2019 Sourish Basu Measuring and Modeling Carbon Isotopes in the Atmosphere to Diagnose the Carbon Cycle
11/27/2018 Jonathan Poterjoy Progress in the Development of a Localized Particle Filter for Regional Weather Prediction
11/13/2018 Clara Draper Coupled Land/Atmosphere Data Assimilation
10/23/2018 Will McCarty Results from an OSSE Investigating a Constellation of 4-5 micron Infrared Sounders
10/09/2018 Rabindra Kumar Nayak Regional Carbon Cycle Modeling over Indian Subcontinent and Surrounding Oceans
09/25/2018 Scot Miller A tale of two satellites: estimating carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from OCO-2 and GOSAT
09/11/2018 Pablo Saide Improvements on regional aerosol predictions and impacts driven by recent NASA field campaigns
08/28/2018 Duane Waliser Atmospheric Rivers: Water Extremes that Shape Our Global Weather and Climate
06/26/2018 Karina Apodaca Variational and Hybrid data assimilation methods suitable for GOES-16, 17/GLM lightning observations
06/12/2018 Andrea Molod GEOS S2S-2_1: The GMAO High Resolution Seasonal Prediction System
05/22/2018 Lisan Yu Ocean Surface Energy and Water Budgets in Reanalyses and Observations
05/15/2018 Alexandra Jahn Assessing the Prediction Uncertainty of Arctic Sea Ice and Ocean Projections Using CESM Ensembles
04/10/2018 Sebastien Massart Recent Work on Background Error Covariance at ECMWF for Operational Analysis and Atmospheric Chemistry
04/03/2018 Adam Scaife Long Range Predictability of Winter Climate
03/13/2018 Mark Taylor Earth System Modeling on Upcoming Exascale Computers
02/27/2018 Daven Henze Dimension reduction, error estimation, and the Randomized Incremental Optimal Technique (RIOT) for large-scale Bayesian atmospheric inversions and data assimilation
02/13/2018 Morgan O'Neill "Diurnal Waves in Tropical Cyclones"
11/28/2017 Mark Buehner Recent Research on 4D-EnVar at Environment and Climate Change Canada
11/07/2017 Cecilia Bitz The First Decade of Seasonal Sea Ice Prediction: Advances and Challenges
10/24/2017 Sonya Legg Ocean mixing by breaking internal tides: processes, parameterizations and impacts
10/10/2017 Manuela Girotto Joint assimilation of SMOS brightness temperature and GRACE terrestrial water storage observations for improved soil moisture estimation
09/26/2017 Jon Reisner Climate Impact of a regional nuclear weapons exchange between India and Pakistan: An informed assessment based on high-fidelity source calculations
09/19/2017 Alexandra Konings Ecosystem-scale variations in plant hydraulic behavior
09/12/2017 Mat Evans CHAMELEON: A potential machine learning approach for atmospheric composition forecasting
09/05/2017 James Booth Evaluation of Extratropical Cyclone Precipitation and Clouds in CMIP5 and CMIP6-prototype models
05/23/2017 Paul Dirmeyer Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Models and Observations
05/16/2017 Jaime Palter Biogeochemical and Ecological Fronts: Gateways to Exchange
05/09/2017 Elizabeth A. Barnes Predictability of North Pacific Blocking and Atmospheric Rivers based on the state of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
04/25/2017 Brad Weir The GEOS-Carb reanalysis of atmospheric carbon dioxide
04/11/2017 Lorenzo Polvani Why has the tropical lower stratosphere stopped cooling for the last 20 years?
03/31/2017 Lucas Jones Monitoring Global Land-atmosphere Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange: The SMAP Level 4 Carbon Product  
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03/28/2017 Nikki Prive The GMAO Observing System Simulation Experiment framework for numerical weather prediction
02/28/2017 David Edwards Quantifying Wildfire Emissions and associated Aerosol Species using Assimilation of Satellite CO and AOD Retrievals
02/14/2017 Steven Lohrenz Assessing Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change on Terrestrial-Ocean Fluxes of Carbon and Nutrients and Associated Ecosystem Dynamics in a River-Dominated Coastal Margin
11/29/2016 Joan Alexander Tropical waves, latent heating, and wave-driving of the tropical circulation
11/15/2016 Kevin Grise Do mid-latitude jet shifts cause cloud feedbacks?
11/08/2016 Ricardo Todling Development of 4dEnsVar at GMAO  
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10/25/2016 Pierre Gentines Interactions between the carbon and water cycles through land-atmosphere interactions: implications for drought predictions and seasonal forecasts
10/11/2016 Dick Dee Reanalysis developments at ECMWF
09/27/2016 Allison Wing Clouds, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity in Cloud-Resolving Model Simulations of Self-Aggregation of Convection
09/13/2016 E. Robert Kursinski The Future is Now. ATOMMS: A New Radio Occultation System at cm and mm Wavelengths for Weather and Climate
08/23/2016 John Albers Factors controlling stratospheric intrusions of ozone over the western United States
05/10/2016 Thomas Lauvaux Atmospheric inversion of Greenhouse Gas sources and sinks at high resolution
05/03/2016 Chris O'Dell NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2): Mission Status, Retrieval Evaluation, and Preliminary Results
04/28/2016 Laura Holt Gravity Waves in the GEOS-5 Nature Run  
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12/08/2015 Santha Akella Skin SST in GEOS Atmospheric Data Assimilation System
10/27/2015 Thomas Haine Arctic Freshwater Export: Status, Mechanisms, and Prospects
06/09/2015 Eric Kort Studying methane emissions from ground, air and space
05/26/2015 Will Seviour Extreme Variability of the Stratospheric Polar Vortex
05/12/2015 James Carton The Arctic Ocean's seasonal cycle must change
03/24/2015 Jana Kolassa Soil Moisture Retrieval from Active/Passive Microwave Observations Using a Neural Network Approach
03/10/2015 Will McCarty Past, Present, and Future Infrared Radiance Assimilation at the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office  
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02/24/2015 Young-Kwon Lim Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclones to Parameterized Convection in the NASA GEOS-5 Model
01/14/2015 Judith Perlwitz Impact of Increase in Ozone Depleting Substances on Northern Hemisphere Climate Extremes- A GEOS-5 model study
01/13/2015 Stephane Belair Better weather forecasts resulting from improved land surface processes in Environment Canada's numerical prediction systems  
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09/02/2014 Jerome Barre Multivariate chemical data assimilation, application to Observation Simulation System Experiments: a GEO-constellation
08/26/2014 Seoung Soo Lee Dependence of aerosol-cloud interactions on cloud parameterizations and model setup
06/16/2014 Hans Hersbach An Update on ERA Activities  
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05/23/2014 Jui-Lin (Frank) Li Cloud-Precipitation-Radiation-Dynamics Interaction in Global Climate Models
05/13/2014 Joan Alexander Atmospheric Waves, Winds, and Chemical Transport
05/12/2014 Remus Hanea Assisted History Matching and Optimization: A paradigm for Data Assimilation and Ensemble Prediction in Reservoir Engineering  
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04/29/2014 TBD
03/28/2014 Roberto Buizza The ECMWF ensembles  
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03/05/2014 Paul Palmer Towards Robust Estimates of Regional Carbon Emissions and Uptake: Current and Future Challenges
01/21/2014 Tom Oda Fossil fuel CO2 emission cartography using satellite observations
01/07/2014 Randy Koster Elusive Elements of Evaporation and Runoff Behavior Hidden Within Traditional Hydrological Measurements  
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09/17/2013 Dimitris Menemenlis Assimilation of GRACE data in a global, eddying, ocean and sea ice model
06/04/2013 Stephen Penny A Hybrid Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter for use with Global Ocean Data Assimilation
04/30/2013 Manuela Girotto Spatial and temporal analysis of Sierra Nevada snowpack using a probabilistic reconstruction approach
04/23/2013 Jim Etro EFAS - An Architecture for Exploiting Meteorological and Oceanographic Ensembles
04/16/2013 Nidia Martinez Avellaneda Impact of spatially dependent vertical mixing on the tropical Pacific thermocline
03/05/2013 Chelle Gentemann Ocean Surface Diurnal Warming
02/26/2013 Yoo-Geun Ham Sea surface temperature in the north tropical Atlantic as a trigger for El Nino/Southern Oscillation events
02/19/2013 Winston Chao Catastrophe Concept-based Cumulus Parameterization: Correction of Systematic Errors in the Precipitation Diurnal Cycle over Land in the GEOS-5 GCM
02/05/2013 Bruno Tremblay Sea ice decline in the Arctic: an ocean mechanism  
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12/11/2012 Jasper Vrugt Uncertainty modeling in water resource, ecosystem and landscape management using Bayesian methods and data assimilation
09/21/2012 Sabrina Rainwater A mixed-resolution Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
09/18/2012 Gabrielle De Lannoy Global Calibration of the GEOS-5 L-band Microwave Radiative Transfer Model over Land Using SMOS Observations  
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07/13/2012 Pinhas Alpert AOD trends over megacities based on space monitoring using MODIS and MISR
07/10/2012 Corinne A. Hartin Comparison of Subantarctic Mode Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water Formation Rates in the South Pacific between NCAR-CCSM4 and Hydrographic Observations
06/11/2012 Edward Teets Jr. NASA Dryden Applications for Goddard's Earth Observing System Model, Version 5 (GEOS-5) Data
04/24/2012 Michael Ek Land data assimilation systems at NCEP/EMC  
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04/17/2012 Carla Cardinali Operational monitor of the assimilation and forecast performance
04/10/2012 Steven Pawson Structure of the Stratosphere in GEOS-5: What have we learned from MERRA?
03/27/2012 Rene Orth Inferring soil moisture memory from runoff measurements
03/20/2012 Chris Fairall A parameterization of sea spray contributions to mass and heat fluxes in hurricanes based on breaking wave properties
02/24/2012 Xuguang Wang Ensemble-4DVAR for the NCEP hybrid GSI-EnKF data assimilation system and observation impact studies with the hybrid system
02/16/2012 Lars Nerger Recent algorithmic developments in ensemble-based Kalman filters
02/07/2012 William Read Convection, Thin Cirrus, and Dehydration in the Tropical Tropopause Layer Observed by Aura MLS and CALIPSO
01/20/2012 Gianpaolo Balsamo Process-based land-surface modeling at ECMWF: interactive versus modular scheme development?  
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01/17/2012 Myong-In Lee Dynamical Prediction of Tropical Storms Using GEOS-5 AGCM
01/13/2012 Erica McGrath-Spangler Importance of Boundary Layer Entrainment for CO2 Fluxes Over Land
12/12/2011 Jianjun Jin The dynamical and chemical discontinuities at the extratropical tropopause
11/29/2011 Ricardo Todling Use of observation residual statistics for estimating system (model) error.
11/17/2011 Leila Farhadi Estimation of Land Surface Water and Energy Balance Flux Components and Closure Relation Using Conditional Sampling  
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11/15/2011 Masahiro Watanabe and Yoshi Chikamoto Development, verification, and natural variability in MIROC5 [and] Overview of decadal climate prediction using a coupled climate model MIROC
11/03/2011 Deepthi Achuthavarier Interannual and intraseasonal variability of the South Asian monsoon in the NCEP CFS
10/18/2011 George Tselioudis Understanding Climate Feedbacks: The case for Process-Based Model Evaluation
10/11/2011 Grant Branstator Comparing Decadal Predictability Characteristics of Six CGCMs
09/13/2011 Siegfried Schubert Climate Extremes and Rossby Waves  
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06/20/2011 Nancy Baker An Overview of Navy Atmospheric Data Assimilation Research
06/07/2011 Steven Platnick Cloud Properties from MODIS: Global Statistics and Use in Climate Model Evaluation
05/17/2011 Andrew Wittenberg Whither ENSO?
03/16/2011 Chaim Garfinkel Improvement of the GEOS-5 AGCM upon upgrading the Air-Sea Roughness Parameterization
03/15/2011 Clara Draper Evaluation of ASCAT near-surface soil moisture by assimilation into the SIM hydrological model  
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02/22/2011 Peter Thornton Using site-level observations to find and fix problems in CLM4
01/11/2011 Myong-In Lee Validation of Climate Variability Represented by MERRA
01/04/2011 Winston Chao Causes and Correction of Excessive Precipitation over Steep Mountains in the GEOS-5 GCM
12/07/2010 Man Li Wu The Structure and Mechanisms of the AEJ and AEWs as Revealed By MERRA
11/30/2010 Xubin Zeng A personal journey in interdisciplinary research: from atmosphere-land-ocean-atmosphere
11/29/2010 Cecile Rousseaux Oceanographic forcing of phytoplankton dynamics in the waters off Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia
11/18/2010 Nathaniel Livesey Microwave remote sounding of atmospheric composition - some findings from MLS and future directions  
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11/09/2010 Richard Cullather Atmospheric Circulation in Reanalyses Concurrent with Recent Arctic Sea-Ice Decline
10/22/2010 Clara Deser Uncertainty in Climate Change Projections: The Role of Internal Variability
10/12/2010 Bart Forman Assimilation of Multiresolution Radiation Products into a Downwelling Surface Radiation Model  
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10/05/2010 Sara Zhang Assimilation of precipitation affected radiances in a WRF ensemble data assimilation system  
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09/28/2010 Dan Holdaway A Comparison of Vertical Staggering for Coupling Large Scale Dynamics to the Planetary Boundary Layer
09/23/2010 Tiffany Shaw Downward wave coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere in the southern hemisphere and the impact of ozone changes in the GEOS CCM
09/14/2010 Stephen Eckermann The Advanced-Level Physics High-Altitude Prototype of the Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS-ALPHA)
09/02/2010 Donifan Barahona Parameterization of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Large Scale Atmospheric Models
08/31/2010 Martha Butler Using continental observations in global atmospheric inversions of CO2: North American carbon sources and sinks
08/17/2010 Will McCarty The Simulation of Doppler Wind Lidar Observations in Support of Future Instruments  
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07/08/2010 Santharam (Santha) Akella High resolution 4-dimensional Variational Data Assimilation for the Irminger Sea
07/01/2010 Frederic Vitart Simulation of the MJO and tropical storms in the ECMWF forecast system
06/16/2010 Viviana Maggioni Investigating the effect of satellite-rainfall error modeling on soil moisture uncertainty
05/13/2010 Ronald M. Errico & Runhua Yang Design and Validation of OSSEs at the GMAO
05/11/2010 Young-Kwon Lim Multi-model (dynamical and statistical) high-resolution seasonal prediction system: An application to the southeast US
05/06/2010 Tom Delworth Atlantic decadal variability, predictability and climatic impacts
05/03/2010 Angela Benedetti Integrated reanalyses and near-real time forecasts of atmospheric composition with focus on aerosols
04/07/2010 Dick Dee Reanalysis, uncertainties, and climate trends
03/31/2010 Yannick Tremolet Weak Constraints 4D-Var Developments
03/30/2010 Christpher Hill Collaborating towards multi-model, multi-method, CO2 flux monitoring - an ocean component.
03/25/2010 Clara Draper Near-surface soil moisture assimilation for improved soil moisture in NWP
03/11/2010 Tom Auligne Latest Developments with WRF Data Assimilation
03/05/2010 Chris Thorncroft A Multiscale Analysis of the West African Monsoon
01/15/2010 Xuguang Wang Data assimilation using a hybrid variational-ensemble approach: methodology and recent applications in numerical weather prediction
01/08/2010 In-Sik Kang Parameterization of moist physics suitable to high-resolution climate models
01/07/2010 Minghua Zhang Seasonal Variation of Marine Stratus Clouds as a Test of Cloud Feedbacks in GCMs
01/07/2010 Tomislava Vukicevic Data Assimilation of Cloud-Affected Radiances
12/10/2009 Richard Engelen Towards an operational atmospheric composition monitoring and forecasting system: the MACC project
12/01/2009 Andrew Dessler Estimates of the Water Vapor Climate Feedback during El Nino-Southern Oscillation
11/18/2009 Frank Li Applying CloudSat/A-Train and ECMWF analysis data sets to constrain and evaluate cloud, convection and radiation parameterizations in numerical models
11/10/2009 Sang-Jong Park Characteristics of water vapor transport in the atmospheric surface layer
11/05/2009 Chien Wang Modeling the climate effects of anthropogenic aerosols
10/08/2009 Kerry Cook Climate Change in Northern Africa: Current Regional Projections and the Potential for Abrupt Change
10/01/2009 Yoo-Geun Ham Initialization of air-sea coupled models for ensemble climate prediction
09/24/2009 Dr. Kingtse Mo Decadal modulation of the impact of ENSO on hydroclimate over the United States
09/10/2009 Markus Jochum Diapycnal Diffusivity - a red herring or something to worry about?
09/03/2009 Eugenia Kalnay Extensions of Ensemble Kalman Filter and Prospects for Hybrid Implementation
08/13/2009 Dylan Jones Improved Understanding of the Processes Controlling Tropospheric Ozone through Assimilation of Space-based Observations of Ozone and its Precursors
08/05/2009 Dr. Derek Posselt Probabilistic model evaluation: toward ensemble-based representations of model physics uncertainty
07/23/2009 Hung-Lung Allen Huang Development of a GPU-based High-Performance Radiative Transfer Model for the High-spectral Resolution Infrared Sounders
07/21/2009 Amal El Akkraoui Convergence of minimization algorithms for the primal and dual forms of the strong and weak constraint variational data assimilation problem.
07/20/2009 Joao Teixeira Turbulence, Clouds and Climate Models
07/13/2009 Anastasia Romanou The Ocean Carbon Cycle in the NASA-GISS Climate Model
07/09/2009 Dennis McLaughlin Towards a Feature-based Approach to Ensemble Data Assimilation
07/01/2009 Sayed Mohyeddin (Moji) Bateni Estimating surface heat fluxes from remotely sensed land surface temperature
05/20/2009 Amy Kaleita Assessment of near-surface soil moisture patterns through ground-based observations
05/18/2009 Sarah Strode A global modeling investigation of mercury emission sources and their relative contributions to mercury deposition.
05/14/2009 Bob Miller Estimating Representation Error for Data Assimilation in Ocean Models
05/07/2009 Caihong Wen A Mechanistic Study of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Changes on Tropical Atlantic Climate
04/23/2009 Frank Li Cloud Ice and liquid: A Climate Model Challenge with Signs and Expectations of Progress
04/22/2009 Michelle Gierach Analysis of the Upper Ocean Response to Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico Using Satellite Observations and Model Simulations
04/03/2009 William Greg Lawson Atmospheric science and data assimilation on Mars
03/25/2009 Hyungjun Kim The role of river storage in the seasonal variation of terrestrial water storage over global river basins
03/25/2009 Brian Mapes Understanding the MJO through a data assimilating model (using the NASA MERRA reanalysis system)
03/23/2009 Winston Chao The Origin of Systematic Errors in GCM Simulations of ITCZ Precipitation over the Ocean
02/25/2009 Koji Dairaku Introduction of multi-model ensembles and downscaling for regional risk assessment of climate change in Japan
02/24/2009 Nawo Eguchi Comparison study of CO2 simulations between the NIES transport model and GEOS-5
02/10/2009 Kunihiko Kodera Stratospheric impacts on tropical convection
02/05/2009 Richard Cullather Recent trends in Southern Ocean Precipitation
01/09/2009 In-Sik Kang Aspects of High Resolution Climate Modeling
2006 - 2008
Hisahiroo Takashima Atmospheric aerosol and gas variations at Okinawa Island in Japan by ground-based MAX-DOAS measurement
Yukiko Hirabayashi Global projections of changing risks of flood under the global warming simulated by MIROC GCM
Paul Krause The Diffusion Kernel Filter
Andrea Molod Modeling Near-Surface Sub-grid Scale Heterogeneity in GCMs
Ricardo Todling The GMAO 4d-Var and its Adjoint-based Tools
Jeff Whitaker The Impact of the Assimilation of AIRS Radiance Measurements on Short-term Weather Forecasts
Dacian Daescu A note on adjoint-based observation impact measures
Will McCarty The Impact of the Assimilation of AIRS Radiance Measurements on Short-term Weather Forecasts
Johanna Baehr Monitoring and detecting changes in the oceanic meridional overturning circulation at 26N in the Atlantic
Shu-Chih Yang Applications of coupled bred vectors to ocean data assimilation and its impact on seasonal-to-interannual forecasting
Oreste Reale Improving forecast skill by assimilation of quality-controlled AIRS temperature retrievals under partially cloudy conditions.
Lars Nerger Estimation of Model Bias by the Assimilation of Satellite Ocean Chlorophyll Data into a Global Model
Rolf Reichle Soil moisture data assimilation: Error modeling, adaptive filtering, and the contribution of soil moisture retrievals to land\ data assimilation products
Ron Gelaro Assessing the impact of observations in the NASA GEOS-5 atmospheric data assimilation system
Bin Wang How accurately do coupled climate models predict the leading modes of Asian-Australian Monsoon interannual variability?
Xiang-Yu Huang WRF 4D-Var: Where We Are and Where To Go
Tony Hollingsworth Global and Regional Earth-System Monitoring Using Satellite and In-Situ Data (GEMS): A Progress Report
Xiaohong Liu
Inclusion of Ice Microphysics in the NCAR Community Atmospheric Model Version 3 (CAM3)
Brian Mapes
Suppression of Rainy Downdrafts during Tropical Cyclone Development
Dara Entekhabi
Winter Climate Response to Continental Snow Anomalies
Rui Xin Huang
Surface Wave Enhanced Turbulence as a Major Energy Source Sustaining in Thermohaline Circulation
Shaoqing Zhang
The GFDL Coupled Data Assimilation System For Climate Detection Using a Parallelized Ensemble Filter
Roger Saunders
Assimilation of Satellite Data at the UK Met Office