GEOS FP - Version 5.17 Details

The GEOS Forward Processing (GEOS FP) system was upgraded from GEOS-5.16.5 to GEOS-5.17.0 starting with the 06 UTC assimilation cycle on Wednesday November 01, 2017. This upgrade did not result in any changes to the file specification, formats, or access methods for GEOS FP data.

This upgrade represents relatively minor changes compared to the 5.16.5 system, that introduced a four-dimensional assimilation technique into the GEOS FP system when it was implemented in January 2017. The upgrade to the GEOS-5.17.0 system results in improved forecast skill and a better representation of precipitation over steep topography as a result of using an updated topography data set. The topography modification involves a switch to the USGS GMTED data set with a patch for the Antarctic peninsula to use the Global 30 Arc-Second Elevation (GTOPO30) data. These topography updates are coupled with retuning of the gravity-wave drag and turbulence parameterizations. Other minor changes were made to the moist physics to improve the representation of intense precipitation events.

We are also now assimilating AERONET data as part of our aerosol assimilation component. This data will augment the MODIS inputs by providing high quality Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) information at a high temporal frequency.

At this point, there is no update to the File Specification document posted online because there are no changes to our product specification. We expect to be adding some additional data in the future and there will be notification at that time. More information about GEOS operational products can be found on the GMAO website:

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