The U.S. CLIVAR Drought Working Group Data
hosted at the NASA/GSFC Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) FTP Site



    Idealized SST experiments

    The idealized SST experiments using the NCAR CCM3 are performed by the Climate Group of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) at the Columbia University.

    The idealized runs are 51 years long. The first year serves as the spinup and should be discarded for your analysis

    The complete output with the CCM3 are available at the LDEO/Columbia University website The following selected variables are available at the NASA/GMAO ftp site

    lhflx: latent heat flux
    precc: convective precip
    precl: large-scale precip
    ps: surface pressure
    q: specific humidity
    slp: sea level pressure
    ts: surface temperature
    u: zonal wind
    v: meridional wind
    z: geopotential height

    List of idealized runs with the NCAR CCM3:

      Impacts of three leading SST patterns

        Indicator of experiment: explanation of SST anomaly forcing for the experiment

        PcAc: Cold_Pacific + Cold_Atlantic
        PcAn: Cold_Pacific (Cold_Pacific + Neutral_Atlantic)
        PcAw: Cold_Pacific + Warm_Atlantic
        PcAwLTc: Cold_Pacific + Warm_Atlantic + Cold_Trend
        PcAwLTw: Cold_Pacific + Warm_Atlantic + Warm_Trend
        PnAc: Cold_Atlantic (Neutral_Pacific + Cold_Atlantic)
        PnAn: Climatology/Control Run (Neutral_Pacific + Neutral_Atlantic)
        PnAnLTc: Cold_Trend (Neutral_Pacific + Neutral_Atlantic + Cold_Trend)
        PnAnLTw: Warm_Trend (Neutral_Pacific + Neutral_Atlantic + Warm_Trend)
        PnAw: Warm_Atlantic (Neutral_Pacific + Warm_Atlantic)
        PwAc: Warm_Pacific + Cold_Atlantic
        PwAcLTc: Warm_Pacific + Cold_Atlantic + Cold_Trend
        PwAcLTw: Warm_Pacific + Cold_Atlantic + Warm_Trend
        PwAn: Warm_Pacific (Warm_Pacific + Neutral_Atlantic)
        PwAw: Warm_Pacific + Warm_Atlantic
        UW: Uniform SST Warming of 0.16K

      Fixed soil moiture experiments

      Impacts of low frequency and ENSO patterns in the Pacific

        No experiments have been performed.

    AMIP experiments

    There are 16 AMIP runs (1856-2007) available.

    Selected variables are available at The complete output are available at

    Model References

    Kiehl, J.T., J.J. Hack, G. Bonan, B.A. Boville, D. Williamson and P. Rasch, 1998. The National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate Model: CCM3. J. Climate, 11, 1131-1149.

    Seager, R., Y. Kushnir, C. Herweijer, N. Naik and J. Velez, 2005: Modeling tropical forcing of persistent droughts and pluvials: 1856-2000. J. Climate, 18, 4068-4091.

    Point of Contact

    Dr. Richard Seager
    Doherty Senior Research Scientist
    Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
    Rt 9W, Palisades, NY 10964
    Tel: 845-365-8743
    FAX: 845-365-8736