The U.S. CLIVAR Drought Working Group Data
hosted at the NASA/GSFC Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) FTP Site



    Idealized SST experiments

    The idealized SST experiments using the NCAR CAM3.5 are performed by the CCSM Climate Variability Working Group at NCAR.

    The idealized runs are 51 years long, and data of the last 50 years are saved

    The data are available at as well as

    List of idealized runs with the NCAR CAM3.5:

      Impacts of three leading SST patterns

        Indicator of experiment: explanation of SST anomaly forcing for the experiment

        LTw: Warm_Trend (Neutral_Pacific + Neutral_Atlantic + Warm_Trend)
        PcAn: Cold_Pacific (Cold_Pacific + Neutral_Atlantic)
        PcAw: Cold_Pacific + Warm_Atlantic
        PnAc: Cold_Atlantic (Neutral_Pacific + Cold_Atlantic)
        PnAn: Climatology/Control Run (Neutral_Pacific + Neutral_Atlantic)
        PnAw: Warm_Atlantic (Neutral_Pacific + Warm_Atlantic)
        PnTAw: Warm_Tropical_Atlantic (Neutral_Pacific + Warm_Tropical_Atlantic)
        PwAc: Warm_Pacific + Cold_Atlantic
        PwAn: Warm_Pacific (Warm_Pacific + Neutral_Atlantic)
        PwAw: Warm_Pacific + Warm_Atlantic
        TPcAn: Cold_Tropical_Pacific (Cold_Tropical_Pacific + Neutral_Atlantic)

      Fixed soil moiture experiments

        No experiments have been performed.

      Impacts of low frequency and ENSO patterns in the Pacific

        No experiments have been performed.

    AMIP experiments

    There is one AMIP run (1871-2006) available. The data are available at as well as

    Model References

    The 3.5 version of CAM is not a release, so there aren't papers documenting its content or performance as there were for CCSM3. However, there are some papers documenting major changes:

    A paper documenting the Neale/Richter changes in the deep convection parameterization:

      Neale, R.B., J.H. Richter, and M. Jochum, 2008: The Impact of Convection on ENSO: From a Delayed Oscillator to a Series of Events. J. Climate, 21,5904-5924.

    Papers on the Land-surface model CLM3.5:

      Oleson, K. W., G.-Y. Niu, Z.-L. Yang, D.M. Lawrence, P. E. Thornton, P. J. Lawrence, R. Stockli, R. E. Dickinson, G. B. Bonan, S. Levis, A. Dai and T. Qian, 2008: Improvements to the Community Land Model and their impact on the hydrological cycle. J. Geophys. Res., 113, G01021, doi:10.1029/2007JG000563.

      Stockli, R., D. M. Lawrence, G.-Y. Niu, K. W. Oleson, P. E. Thornton, Z.-L. Yang, G. B. Bonan, A. S. Denning, and S. W. Running, 2008: Use of FLUXNET in the Community Land Model development, J. Geophys. Res., 113, G01025, doi:10.1029/2007JG000562.

    Point of Contact

    Dr. Alfredo Ruiz-Barradas
    Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
    University of Maryland
    College Park, MD 20742-2425, USA
    Tel: 1-301-405-0160
    Fax: 1-301-314-9482