National Climate Assessment (NCA) effort at GMAO
The National Climate Assessment (NCA) is a collaborative effort involving numerous groups across the USA. The NCA integrates information to highlight key findings and knowledge gaps. It also evaluates the effect of climate variations in the United States. There are numerous applications of the NCA as the nation works to create sustainable and environmentally sound plans for the future. The analyzed data products developed at the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) synthesize satellite and in situ observations across weather and climate time scales. The GMAO interacts with the NCA by providing these data to the community, sharing its expertise in their application for research studies, and develops metrics and variables important to decision-making.
The GMAO has been involved with the NCA since 2011 through the development and evaluation of reanalyses for use in regional climate studies for the United States. Our efforts began with a proof-of-concept for using NASA’s reanalysis products, MERRA and MERRA-2, with a focus on the weather and its connection to the large scale circulation as well as an evaluation of regional climate features.
See USGCRP NCA page.