Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) for Instrument Teams


As of August 18, 2021, the sample data for the year of 2018 has been released to the Instrument Teams.

In October 2021, GMAO plans a virtual meeting to discuss these data with the Instrument Teams. This meeting will address:

  • Feedback on the quality and characteristics of the sample data – what is better, what is worse, and are there any showstoppers?
  • Filenaming conventions
  • Opinions and discussion on the needs for conventional latitude-longitude data to be retained alongside the cubed-sphere data

Meanwhile, GMAO continues to prepare the (input) observational record for the full re-processing period of GEOS-IT from 1997 to the present. After evaluating the user feedback on the sample 2018 data and finalizing system configuration issues for the historic time period, GMAO plans to start GEOS-IT in three streams the Fall of 2021. The streams will begin with the years 1998, 2008, and 2018. GMAO anticipates releasing the data from the 2018 stream to instrument teams when that stream has reached real-time, which should occur in early 2022. Data from the 1998 and 2008 streams will subsequently be released in batches.