Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) for Instrument Teams

Collections and Filenames

We have completed preparing one year of sample data (2018) for instrument teams to examine. All of that data has been loaded onto a GMAO HTTPS server for download. With the addition of multiple new grids in GEOS-IT and other GMAO product streams, it was necessary to revamp the collection identifiers used for the products. There is a table included here that maps the GEOS FP-IT collections to the new GEOS-IT collections and also includes links to the download directory for each data type.

GEOS-IT file names adopt a new ISO-compliant structure (CITATION) that differs from that used in GEOS FP-IT. The draft file specification document, when ready, will decribe this notation in detail. Additionally, the addition of cubed-sphere grid output in GEOS-IT has motivated a more general change to the filenames that can flexibly accommodate other types of native grids used in the geosciences. Changes include:

  • Date/time conventions
  • Grid conventions
  • Collection names

While the collection names have changed, the variables contained in the collections are mostly the same as in GEOS-FPIT. The mapping between the GEOS-FPIT collections and the GEOS-IT collections are described in Table 1. Any differences are noted in a drop-down link in the table. The format of the files are the same: NetCDF-4. Instrument teams that are used to getting custom subsets from the GES DISC may have to work directly with them if those custom subsets are needed for evaluation of this 2018 sample data period.

Table 1: Mapping GEOS FP-IT product names and ESDTs to GEOS-IT product names and ESDTs

const_2d_asm_Nx DFPITC0NXASM asm_const_0hr_glo_L576x361_slv GEOSIT_ASM_C0_L_SLV
asm_const_0hr_glo_C180x180x6_slv GEOSIT_ASM_C0_C_SLV
inst1_2d_lfo_Nx DFPITI1NXLFO lfo_inst_1hr_glo_L576x361_slv GEOSIT_LFO_I1_L_SLV 4
lfo_inst_1hr_glo_C180x180x6_slv GEOSIT_LFO_I1_C_SLV 4
inst3_2d_asm_Nx DFPITI3NXASM asm_inst_1hr_glo_L576x361_slv GEOSIT_ASM_I1_L_SLV 3
asm_inst_1hr_glo_C180x180x6_slv GEOSIT_ASM_I1_C_SLV

Click for new variables
DFPITI3NVAER aer_inst_3hr_glo_L576x361_v72 GEOSIT_AER_I3_L_V72 2
aer_inst_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v72 GEOSIT_AER_I3_C_V72

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DFPITI3NPASM asm_inst_3hr_glo_L576x361_p42 GEOSIT_ASM_I3_L_P42
asm_inst_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_p42 GEOSIT_ASM_I3_C_P42

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DFPITI3NVASM asm_inst_3hr_glo_L576x361_v72 GEOSIT_ASM_I3_L_V72 2
asm_inst_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v72 GEOSIT_ASM_I3_C_V72
inst3_3d_chm_Nv DFPITI3NVCHM chm_inst_3hr_glo_L576x361_v72 GEOSIT_CHM_I3_L_V72 2
chm_inst_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v72 GEOSIT_CHM_I3_C_V72

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DFPITT1NXFLX flx_tavg_1hr_glo_L576x361_slv GEOSIT_FLX_T1_L_SLV
flx_tavg_1hr_glo_C180x180x6_slv GEOSIT_FLX_T1_C_SLV
tavg1_2d_lfo_Nx DFPITT1NXLFO lfo_tavg_1hr_glo_L576x361_slv GEOSIT_LFO_T1_L_SLV 4
lfo_tavg_1hr_glo_C180x180x6_slv GEOSIT_LFO_T1_C_SLV 4
tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx DFPITT1NXLND lnd_tavg_1hr_glo_L576x361_slv GEOSIT_LND_T1_L_SLV
lnd_tavg_1hr_glo_C180x180x6_slv GEOSIT_LND_T1_C_SLV

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DFPITT1NXOCN ocn_tavg_1hr_glo_L576x361_slv GEOSIT_OCN_T1_L_SLV
ocn_tavg_1hr_glo_C180x180x6_slv GEOSIT_OCN_T1_C_SLV

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DFPITT1NXRAD rad_tavg_1hr_glo_L576x361_slv GEOSIT_RAD_T1_L_SLV
rad_tavg_1hr_glo_C180x180x6_slv GEOSIT_RAD_T1_C_SLV
tavg1_2d_slv_Nx DFPITT1NXSLV slv_tavg_1hr_glo_L576x361_slv GEOSIT_SLV_T1_L_SLV
slv_tavg_1hr_glo_C180x180x6_slv GEOSIT_SLV_T1_C_SLV

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DFPITT3NXADG adg_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_slv GEOSIT_ADG_T3_L_SLV
adg_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_slv GEOSIT_ADG_T3_C_SLV

Click for new variables
DFPITT3NXAER aer_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_slv GEOSIT_AER_T3_L_SLV
aer_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_slv GEOSIT_AER_T3_C_SLV
tavg3_2d_chm_Nx DFPITT3NXCHM chm_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_slv GEOSIT_CHM_T3_L_SLV 4
chm_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_slv GEOSIT_CHM_T3_C_SLV 4
tavg3_3d_aer_Nv DFPITT3NVAER 1
tavg3_3d_asm_Nv DFPITT3NVASM asm_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_v72 GEOSIT_ASM_T3_L_V72 2
asm_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v72 GEOSIT_ASM_T3_C_V72
tavg3_3d_cld_Nv DFPITT3NVCLD cld_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_v72 GEOSIT_CLD_T3_L_V72 2
cld_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v72 GEOSIT_CLD_T3_C_V72
tavg3_3d_mst_Ne DFPITT3NEMST mst_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_v73 GEOSIT_MST_T3_L_V73 4
mst_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v73 GEOSIT_MST_T3_C_V73 4
tavg3_3d_mst_Nv DFPITT3NVMST mst_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_v72 GEOSIT_MST_T3_L_V72 4
mst_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v72 GEOSIT_MST_T3_C_V72 4
tavg3_3d_nav_Ne DFPITT3NENAV nav_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_v73 GEOSIT_NAV_T3_L_V73
nav_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v73 GEOSIT_NAV_T3_C_V73
tavg3_3d_nav_Nv DFPITT3NVNAV nav_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_v72 GEOSIT_NAV_T3_L_V72
nav_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v72 GEOSIT_NAV_T3_C_V72
tavg3_3d_odt_Nv DFPITT3NVODT odt_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_v72 GEOSIT_ODT_T3_L_V72 4
odt_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v72 GEOSIT_ODT_T3_C_V72 4
tavg3_3d_qdt_Nv DFPITT3NVQDT qdt_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_v72 GEOSIT_QDT_T3_L_V72 4
qdt_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v72 GEOSIT_QDT_T3_C_V72 4
tavg3_3d_rad_Nv DFPITT3NVRAD rad_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_v72 GEOSIT_RAD_T3_L_V72 2
rad_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v72 GEOSIT_RAD_T3_C_V72
tavg3_3d_tdt_Nv DFPITT3NVTDT tdt_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_v72 GEOSIT_TDT_T3_L_V72 2
tdt_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v72 GEOSIT_TDT_T3_C_V72
tavg3_3d_trb_Ne DFPITT3NETRB trb_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_v73 GEOSIT_TRB_T3_L_V73 4
trb_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v73 GEOSIT_TRB_T3_C_V73 4

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DFPITT3NVUDT udt_tavg_3hr_glo_L576x361_v72 GEOSIT_UDT_T3_L_V72 4
udt_tavg_3hr_glo_C180x180x6_v72 GEOSIT_UDT_T3_C_V72 4


  1. 1. Product has been discontinued in GEOS-IT.
  2. 2. Candidate for replacement by cubed-sphere grid collection.
  3. 3. Product frequency changed from 3-hour instantaneous to 1-hour instantaneous
  4. 4.Candidate for discontinuation. No current subscribers.