GEOS-5 Nature Run, Ganymed Release

Non-hydrostatic 7 km Global Mesoscale Simulation


  • G5NR File Specification - This document has a comprehensive list of datasets available, as well as description of the horizontal and vertical grids.
  • Data Access Guide - This wiki page has specific information on the location of our files and instructions on how to access from a variety of applications such as GrADS, Matlab, IDL or even from a C/Fortran program. Sample code is also provided.
  • GEOS-5 Configuration - This document details the particular configuration of the GEOS-5 earth system model used for the G5NR simulation. It includes an overview of the main parameterizations, boundary conditions and emissions files.
  • G5NR Validation Tech Memo. - This is a Technical Memorandum document on the scientific performance of the G5NR datasets. This is a required reading for understanding the strengths and limitations of the G5NR simulation and its applicability to a given application.