First Announcement

For whomever is interested in attending the next adjoint workshop:

It is possible that the name of the adjoint workshop series may change to reflect the kinds of talks we have had at recent workshops. Many have not made reference to adjoints at all. The organizing committee will therefore consider a name change. Other changes may also be made, but the emphasis on "teaching others what you have learned" rather than "advertising what you have done" will be preserved along with the attempt to allow time for meaningful discussions. The subjects covered will laso remain mostly the same: development of tools and their applications for sensitivity analysis, generation and application of optimal perturbations, and data assimilation in general.

The site for the next workshop will be the Hotel Riva Del Sole in Cefalu on the north coast of Sicily. The closest airport is Palermo, from where the hotel will arrange transport for some fee. The dates will be 10-14 October 2011.

This will be our most expensive site. The cost for meals, lodging, and registration, per day, will be approx. 110 euros if sharing a room with one other person and otherwise 45 euros additional for single occupancy. We hope to have some funds that will provide support for students or postdocs covering this hotel expense if sharing a room. Although the hotel with the lecture and dining hall does not have many guestrooms, nearby hotels will be used to accomodate overflow at the same rate.

At this time, we need to know how many rooms to reserve. WE THEREFORE NEED TO KNOW AT THIS TIME (1) IF YOU SERIOUSLY PLAN TO ATTEND AND (2) IF YOU PLAN TO CHOOSE SINGLE OR DOUBLE OCCUPANCY. So, please respond if you plan to attend, and importantly, answer question 2 as well.

At a later time, we will request suggestions for topics, invited speakers, and discussion or debate topics. Please pass this notice to others whom you think may be interested since the present mailing list is comprised mainly of persons who have attended recent adjoint workshops.

For the organizing committee,
Ronald M. Errico

GMAO Head: Michele Rienecker
Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Curator: Nikki Privé
Last Updated: March 1 2011