Abstract Format

All in plain ASCII text, with no special symbols or accents marks that you suspect may not exist on a standard American keyboard.


Title: The title of your work (do not start all words with upper-case)

(skip only 1 line)

Presenter: Your name

(skip only 1 line)

Author(s): Name 1 (Affiliation(s))
                 Name 2 (Affiliation(s))
                 etc. (some affilations make take more than 1 line)

(skip only 1 line)

Preference for Oral or Poster: Your Choice
                 (but actual selection will be by the committee)

(skip only 1 line)

Your abstract, all on single page with the above header. Do not include any figures or other formatting. Restrict it to less than about 300 words. Do not use your space to explain, for example, what sensitivity analysis, adjoints, or data assimilation, VAR, or ensembles are, or why they are generally useful. Instead, assume that your readers will be knowledgeable people in, at least, a related field. Remember that your purpose is to state enough so that some members of the committee can conclude that your presentation is appropriate for this workshop and so that they can discern which session best fits your work. Most presentations will be approximately 20 min, with additional time for questions. So think about what is reasonable for you to cover clearly in that time. We prefer that you cover a few things well rather than many things poorly. Also, carefully read the additional instructions above.

GMAO Head: Michele Rienecker
Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Curator: Nikki Privé
Last Updated: March 1 2011