Workshop on Sensitivity Analysis and Data Assimilation in Meteorology and Oceanography

1–5 June 2015, Stonewall Resort
Roanoke, West Virginia, USA

Call for Abstracts
Workshop on Meteorological Sensitivity Analysis and Data Assimilation
1-5 June 2015 Roanoke, West Virginia

We are requesting titles and short (<300 word) abstracts of what you would like to present at the workshop. These should be provided to by 6 Feb. 2015 in the format described below. Presenters will be allowed to reasonably modify their abstract prior to our publishing the final program and list of abstracts on our website before the workshop's start. Please follow the guidelines below.

  1. Submit only one abstract. Your name may be included on other abstracts only if your coauthors truly intend to present those others themselves.

  2. An abstract should be sufficient for the committee to confirm its relevance to the workshop and to assign its most appropriate place in the program. Use the format described at the end of this mailing.

  3. Do not attempt to simply describe all the wonderful work you have performed during the past few years, but instead focus on just a few things that you have learned that may be of interest to most of us. Since the audience will want to evaluate your contribution rather than just see or hear it, better is to be thorough and specific rather than vague and general.

  4. Indicate whether you prefer an oral or poster presentation or either. Note that the program will allow ample dedicated time for posters but that there may not be time for all who request an oral time slot. The latter will be approximately 20 minutes each, plus additional time for questions/discussion. You should not need to include descriptions of general fundamentals since these should be described in the pre-workshop tutorials or in the more detailed presentations of issues in earlier invited, review-like talks.

  5. Hotel reservations for the Stonewall Resort will be required by sometime in April, so you will be notified of acceptance of your abstract before 6 March, at which time we also hope to provide a rough program draft.

  6. The cost for 5 days/nights room, meals, registration, taxes (combined expenses payable to the hotel) will be approximately $1300 (single occupancy) or $885 (double occupancy). Information about transport options between the hotel and Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) will be forthcoming.

  7. Students and postdocs who have requested partial support from workshop funds will receive further instructions within the next few days.

---------------------------------------- Abstract format follows -------------------------------------

Title: The title of your work (do not start all words with upper-case)

Presenter: Your name

Author(s): Name 1 (Affiliation(s))
Name 2 (Affiliation(s))

Preference for Oral or Poster: Your Choice (but actual selection will be by the committee)

Your abstract, all on single page with the above header. Do not include any figures or other formatting. Restrict it to less than about 300 words. Do not use your space to explain, for example, what sensitivity analysis, adjoints, or data assimilation, VAR, or ensembles are, or why they are generally useful. Instead, assume that your readers will be knowledgeable people in, at least, a related field. Most presentations will be approximately 20 min, with additional time for questions. So think about what is reasonable for you to cover clearly in that time.

For the organizing committee,
Ronald M. Errico

GMAO Head: Steven Pawson
Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Curator: Nikki Privé
Last Updated: June 13 2014