Team Members Receive Recognition at the Annual GMAO Peer Awards Ceremony
The photo shows: (front) Justin Perkett, Fanwei Zeng, Yelena Kondratayeva, Kazumi Yashida, Christine Bloecker, Lelia Marbury and Steven Pawson; (second row) Min-Jeong Kim, Andrea Molod, Sterling Spangler, Matt Thompson and Jing Guo; (back row) Joe Ardizzone, Brent Smith, Amido Aloso, and Ben Auer.
The Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) held its annual Peer Awards Ceremony on March 8, 2019. With the exception of the senior science leads, all GMAO staff were eligible to be nominated for these awards. All award winners were nominated by their peers and selected by a committee consisting of peers, ably organized by Jeff Shull of SSAI. This year’s categories and recipients were:
Scientific Achievement:
- Andrea Molod
- Min-Jeong Kim
- Brad Weir
Technical Support:
- Software Infrastructure Team: Ben Auer, Purnendu Chakraborty, Kyle Gerheiser, Wieyuan Jiang, Hamid Oloso, Matt Thompson, Tom Clune, and Atanas Trayanov
- Mark Solomon
Science Support:
- FLUID Team: Joe Ardizzone, Christine Bloecker, Austin Conaty, Brent Smith, and Sterling Spangler
- Kazumi Nakada
- Fanwei Zeng
Outreach Support:
- Sterling Spangler
Administrative Support:
- Lelia Marbury
Outstanding Scientific/Technical/Outreach/Administrative/Business Contribution by a new member of GMAO:
- Justin Perket
Long-Term Achievement:
- Jing Guo
- Yelena Kondratyeva