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MERRA fields were extracted and delivered for periods and regions of intensive observational campaigns
- 1 May-30 June 1998 (SCSMEX)
- 24 Jan - 28 February 1999 (TRMM-LBA)
- 24 July - 14 September, 1999 (KWAJEX)
- 19 Jan - 11 February 2006 (TWP-ICE)
- 19-22 July 2006 (NAMMA)
to constrain simulations of the GEOS-5 SCM and the Cloud Resolving Model (CRM) (to be conducted by Dr. Wei-Kuo Tao in and the GSFC Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Branch).
The data and readme file are available on the data portal in the NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS). (See but leave the password blank.)
The MERRA forcing data (with analysis increments in the advection terms) have been used to perform simulations with the GEOS-5 SCM over an extended parameter space of meteorological backgrounds at locations with verifying data (observational campaigns, satellite tracks, ARM program sites).
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