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GMAO Customers
The Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) provides assimilated data and forecast products to a wide range of users. These include instrument and mission teams as well as other science endeavors at universities and Governmental agencies. Our Data Assimilation System is operational around the clock, every day. We produce assimilated products once per day for Instrument Teams and forecast products one or two times per day for Mission Teams.
Instrument teams, composed of scientists working with specific earth observing instruments aboard spacecraft, use our products to aid in validating instrument observations. These products are generally made available to teams via the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (DISC). Our instrument team customers have instruments on the Aura, Terra, Calipso and SAGE III satellites.
Mission teams take to the field attempting to study and measure specific meteorological phenomenon. They often do this utilizing aircraft and require products from our assimilations and forecasts for flight planning to increase the probability of observing and measuring these phenomenon. We have supported our mission team customers in extensive field campaigns world-wide including polar missions from Sweden and North America, tropical missions in Brazil and chemical trace studies in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
Other customers include the Department of Energy, Universities and other NASA entities. The GMAO also reanalyzes and reprocesses historical data and has just completed doing so for NASA's CERES Instrument Team. These data products are generated from a previous version of our Data Assimilation System that has remained unchanged since the beginning of the reanalysis in October of 2003. A frozen system allows for product consistency through decades of historical data.
Page author: Doug Collins
Content last updated: 24 May 2007