SUBROUTINE WRITE_OUT_VAR(ncid, varid, step, data, ndims, LCOMP, LBAND) ! UW Land Surface Hydrology Group implementation of SAC/SNOW17 model ! modified from NLDAS implementation ! author: Ted Bohn, ! WRITES A SINGLE VARIABLE FOR 1 TIMESTEP TO AN OUTPUT FILE ! INPUTS: ! ncid: filehandle of the output netcdf file (obtained via ncopen function) ! varid: id number of the variable we're writing, within the netcdf file (obtained via nc_def_var function) ! step: index of the current timestep that's being written ! data: array containing data to be written; ! inside this subroutine, the data array has the maximum dimensions, just to be able ! to store the data from any of the possible output variables. The actual data being ! passed into this subroutine from outside might only use a subset of these dimensions, ! i.e. when calling this subroutine, you can pass it a variable with fewer dimensions. ! You can tell this subroutine which dimensions to use, via the ndims, LCOMP, and LBAND ! arguments (see below). ! ndims, LCOMP, LBAND: determine the number of dimensions of the variable for input and output. ! ! ndims: number of dimensions, with the horizontal dimension always counted as 2 dimensions ! (i.e. x and y) even though internally the variable is always stored with just 1 ! horizontal dimension. This may seem confusing, but it works for now. ! ! LCOMP: logical flag, determining whether to write the output variable using 2 horizontal ! dimensions (x,y) or 1 horizontal dimension (land). Using (x,y) is "uncompressed", ! while using (land) is "compressed". Using (land) to index the grid cells allows ! us to skip cells that are outside the catchment boundaries (determined by the land ! mask), and can potentially save a substantial amount of space. ! ! LBAND: logical flag, used in the case of 3d variables to determine whether the 3rd dimension ! is the soil layer or elevation band dimension. ! ! The valid combinations of these arguments are shown below: ! ! ndims LCOMP LBAND assumed_input_dimensions* assumed_output_dimensions* ! 2 true n/a data(landlen) data(landlen) ! 2 false n/a data(landlen) data(xlen,ylen) ! 3 true false data(landlen,MAXNSOIL) data(landlen,MAXNSOIL) ! 3 false false data(landlen,MAXNSOIL) data(xlen,ylen,MAXNSOIL) ! 3 true true data(landlen,NBANDS) data(landlen,NBANDS) ! 3 false true data(landlen,NBANDS) data(xlen,ylen,NBANDS) ! 4 true n/a data(landlen,NBANDS,MAXNSOIL) data(landlen,NBANDS,MAXNSOIL) ! 4 false n/a data(landlen,NBANDS,MAXNSOIL) data(xlen,ylen,NBANDS,MAXNSOIL) ! ! *NOTE: the dimensions here don't include time; the time dimension should be present in the ! output file's definition of the variable we're writing. ! ! driverMod contains definitions of all global driver variables USE driverMod IMPLICIT NONE ! Define local variables INTEGER ncid INTEGER varid INTEGER step INTEGER ndims INTEGER I,J,K,L,land_idx INTEGER start2d(3),count2d(3),start2d_cmp(2),count2d_cmp(2) INTEGER start3d(4),count3d(4),start3d_cmp(3),count3d_cmp(3) INTEGER start4d(5),count4d(5),start4d_cmp(4),count4d_cmp(4) INTEGER TEMPDIM REAL temp(xlen,ylen) REAL temp_cmp(landlen) REAL data(landlen,(NBANDS+MAXNSOIL),MAXNSOIL) LOGICAL LCOMP LOGICAL LBAND IF (ndims == 2) THEN IF (LCOMP) THEN start2d_cmp(1) = 1 start2d_cmp(2) = step count2d_cmp(1) = landlen count2d_cmp(2) = 1 temp_cmp = data(:,1,1) status = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(ncid,varid,start2d_cmp,count2d_cmp,temp_cmp) ELSE start2d(1) = 1 start2d(2) = 1 start2d(3) = step count2d(1) = xlen count2d(2) = ylen count2d(3) = 1 temp(:,:) = NODATA land_idx = 0 DO I = 1,ylen DO J = 1,xlen IF (LANDMASK(J,I) == 1) THEN land_idx = land_idx + 1 temp(J,I) = data(land_idx,1,1) END IF END DO END DO status = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(ncid,varid,start2d,count2d,temp) END IF ELSE IF (ndims == 3) THEN IF (LBAND .eqv. .FALSE.) THEN TEMPDIM = MAXNSOIL ELSE TEMPDIM = NBANDS END IF IF (LCOMP) THEN DO K = 1,TEMPDIM start3d_cmp(1) = 1 start3d_cmp(2) = K start3d_cmp(3) = step count3d_cmp(1) = landlen count3d_cmp(2) = 1 count3d_cmp(3) = 1 temp_cmp(:) = data(:,K,1) status = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(ncid,varid,start3d_cmp,count3d_cmp,temp_cmp) END DO ELSE DO K = 1,TEMPDIM start3d(1) = 1 start3d(2) = 1 start3d(3) = K start3d(4) = step count3d(1) = xlen count3d(2) = ylen count3d(3) = 1 count3d(4) = 1 temp(:,:) = NODATA land_idx = 0 DO I = 1,ylen DO J = 1,xlen IF (LANDMASK(J,I) == 1) THEN land_idx = land_idx + 1 temp(J,I) = data(land_idx,K,1) END IF END DO END DO status = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(ncid,varid,start3d,count3d,temp) END DO END IF ELSE IF (LCOMP) THEN DO L = 1,MAXNSOIL DO K = 1,NBANDS start4d_cmp(1) = 1 start4d_cmp(2) = K start4d_cmp(3) = L start4d_cmp(4) = step count4d_cmp(1) = landlen count4d_cmp(2) = 1 count4d_cmp(3) = 1 count4d_cmp(4) = 1 temp_cmp(:) = data(:,K,L) status = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(ncid,varid,start4d_cmp,count4d_cmp,temp_cmp) END DO END DO ELSE DO L = 1,MAXNSOIL DO K = 1,NBANDS start4d(1) = 1 start4d(2) = 1 start4d(3) = K start4d(4) = L start4d(5) = step count4d(1) = xlen count4d(2) = ylen count4d(3) = 1 count4d(4) = 1 count4d(5) = 1 temp(:,:) = NODATA land_idx = 0 DO I = 1,ylen DO J = 1,xlen IF (LANDMASK(J,I) == 1) THEN land_idx = land_idx + 1 temp(J,I) = data(land_idx,K,L) END IF END DO END DO status = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(ncid,varid,start4d,count4d,temp) END DO END DO END IF END IF END