SUBROUTINE GET_GRID_ASC() ! UW Land Surface Hydrology Group implementation of SAC/SNOW17 model ! modified from NLDAS implementation ! author: Ted Bohn, ! READS ASCII-FORMAT MASK FILE AND GETS DATA DIMENSIONS AND LANDMASK ! driverMod contains definitions for all global driver variables USE driverMod IMPLICIT NONE ! Define local variables INTEGER J,I REAL NODATA_value CHARACTER*30 tmp_str ! Open MASK file, get data dimensions, and read LANDMASK ! This assumes that ascii file presents the top row (i.e. ! the row with the maximum index) first, and proceeds in ! descending order. OPEN(99,FILE=MASK_FILE,STATUS='OLD') READ (99,*) tmp_str,xlen READ (99,*) tmp_str,ylen READ (99,*) tmp_str,XLLCORNER READ (99,*) tmp_str,YLLCORNER READ (99,*) tmp_str,cellsize READ (99,*) tmp_str,NODATA_value ALLOCATE (LANDMASK(xlen,ylen)) DO I = 1,ylen READ (99,*) (LANDMASK(J,ylen+1-I),J=1,xlen) END DO CLOSE(99) END