# ---- Choose land model version # Icarus : Current DEFAULT for the Icarus AGCM (Scientifically close to MERRA-2) # V24_C05 : DEFAULT for GEOSldas_m4-17_0 # NRv7.2 : Current DEFAULT beginning with GEOSldas_m4-17_6 # # LAND_PARAMS: NRv7.2 # ---- Surface layer turbulence scheme: # 0 : Louis (MERRA, Fortuna-DAS, SMAP NRv4/4.1/5/7.2) # 1 : Helfand Monin-Obukhov (Fortuna-AR5, Ganymed, Heracles, Icarus-3_2, MERRA-2) # # CHOOSEMOSFC: 0 # ---- Formulation for turbulent roughness length (Z0): # 0 : Fortuna, SMAP NRv3 # 1 : Ganymed-4_1, SMAP NRv4/NRv4.1 # 2 : Heracles-4_3, Icarus (AGCM default) # 3 : SMAP NRv5/NRv7.2 # 4 : JP testing Z0_FORMULATION: 4 IGNORE_VEG_HEIGHTS: 1 # ---- ASCAT-derived roughness length: # 0 : Default - do not use ASCAT information. # 1 : Replace model roughness length with ASCAT Z0 where climatological NDVI<0.2. # # USE_ASCATZ0: 0 # ---- Prescribe interannually varying MODIS V006 LAI, VISDF, and NIRDF # 0 : DEFAULT climatologies in BCSDIR are used # 1 : prescribe interannually varying MCD43GF.006 LAI and MCD43GF.006 VISDF and NIRDF albedo # # MODIS_DVG: 0 #--------------------------------------------------------# # Aerosol Depositions on surface snow # #--------------------------------------------------------# # ---- Aerosol deposition on snow (available only with MERRA-2 forcings): # 0 : DEFAULT, ALL GOCART Aerosol are NOT used # 1 : use all GOCART aerosol data # 2 : GOCART DUST is NOT used # 3 : GOCART Black Carbon is NOT used # 4 : GOCART Organic Carbon is NOT used # # AEROSOL_DEPOSITION: 0 # ---- Number of constituents for GOSWIM (the GOddard SnoW Impurity Module) # Note 2 separate parameters for LAND and LANDICE # 0 : Default, GOSWIM snow albedo scheme is turned OFF for land # 9 : GOSWIM snow albedo scheme is turned ON for land # # N_CONST_LAND4SNWALB: 0 # N_CONST_LANDICE4SNWALB: 0 #--------------------------------------------------------# # Irrigation Model # #--------------------------------------------------------# # ---- Run the irrigation model : # 0 : Default - NO Do not run the irrigation model # 1 : YES run the irrigation model # # RUN_IRRIG: 0 # ---- irrigation model method : # 0 : Default - Sprinkler and Flood irrigation combined # 1 : sprinkler irrigation only # 2 : flood irrigation only # # IRRIG_METHOD: 0 #--------------------------------------------------------# # River Routing Model # #--------------------------------------------------------# # ---- Run River Routing Model interactively # 0 : Default - NO # 1 : YES # # RUN_ROUTE: 0 # ---- Time step for river routing # # RRM_DT: 3600 # 1-hourly #--------------------------------------------------------# # CatchCN Model specific parameters # #--------------------------------------------------------# # ---- Time step for carbon/nitrogen routines in CatchmentCN model (default 5400): # (Time step for water/energy routines is controlled by HEARTBEAT_DT in CAP.rc) # # DTCN: 5400 # ---- Atmospheric CO2 # 0--use a fix value as defined by below CO2 (default=350.e-6) # 1--NOAA CT tracker monthly mean diurnal cycle # 2--NOAA CT tracker monthly mean diurnal cycle scaled to match EEA global average CO2 # By default NOAA CT CO2 is scaled to the EEA global average CO2 linearly interpolated to the METFORCE year. # For offline simulations : the default holds but with the below optional parameter CO2_YEAR, which permits user to # set the beginning year of the atmospheric CO2 concentration of the simulation if it's earlier than the METFORCE year. # 3--CMIP5 recommended annual average global mean concentrations from getco2.F90 (1765-2150) # 4--import AGCM model CO2 (AGCM Only) # # ATM_CO2: 2 # CO2: 350.e-6 # CO2_YEAR: # ---- Prescribe daily LAI and SAI data from an archived CATCHCN simulation # 0--NO Run CN Model interactively # 1--YES Prescribe interannually varying LAI and SAI # 2--YES Prescribe climatological LAI and SAI # 3--Estimated LAI/SAI using anomalies at the beginning of the foeecast and climatological LAI/SAI # 4--Write LAI/SAI anomalies in catchcn_internal_rst for above option 3 # # PRESCRIBE_DVG: 0 # ---- Scale CATCHCN ALBEDO and FPAR # 0--NO # 1-- Scale albedo to match interannually varying MODIS NIRDF and VISDF anomaly # 2-- Scale albedo to match interannually varying MODIS NIRDF and VISDF plus FPAR to match MODIS FPAR CDF # # SCALE_ALBFPAR: 0