On Feb 25 2008: The data for Leonid from 2005 is from dao_ops under the directory: /output/dao_ops/GEOS-5.0.1/GEOS-5_beta10p4/d501_apr05_rp/diag/Y2005/M09 and /output/dao_ops/GEOS-5.0.1/GEOS-5_beta10p4/d501_apr06_fp/diag/Y2006 files are like: d501_apr06_fp.tavg3d_dyn_v.20061220_1800z.hdf see Leonid Petrov's & Rob's mail of 2/21/2008 below for detail: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Dr. Karki, >> > > I do not have an account in NCCS. >> > > Karki put the data on some ftp site and I have downloaded them from there. >> > > Yes, I need tavg3d_dyn_v data type, the same as before. >> > > >> > > >>>> > > > > 2) 22 days [2005.09.10_00:00 through 2007.30.09:18:00] >>> > > > >>> > > > I'm assuming this is 2007? Your first date says 2005, but maybe >>> > > > that is a typo. These files can also be transferred through the >>> > > > same method. >> > > >> > > I made a typo. Sorry. Should be 22 days >> > > [2005.09.10_00:00 through 2005.30.09:18:00], i.e. in September 2005. > > > > Karki, would you be able to place the requested days on the FTP site? > > We can satisfy the 2005 period with data from the d501_apr05_rp experiment. > > That is part of the same re-processing series as d501_apr06_fp. Can you put tavg3d_dyn_v data files for September 2005 on that FTP site? Thank you in advance. Leonid Petrov 21-FEB-2008 15:33:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leonid Petrov http://gemini.gsfc.nasa.gov/petrov.html Leonid.Petrov@lpetrov.net Tel.: +1(301)-614-6096 Fax: +1(301)-614-6522 Code 698, NVI, Inc./NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA