Readme for QBO data in DallaSanta et al., JGR 2021. There are four model configurations (NINT, LINOZ, OMA, and Fixed), each with three CO2 simulations (“pi” for pre-industrial, “2x” for abruptly doubled CO2, and “4x” for abruptly quadrupled CO2). NINT and OMA integrations are uploaded to the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF, doi:10.22033/ESGF/CMIP6.2081). Here, we provide LINOZ and Fixed data. The folders are organized by each configuration and simulation. The files inside are in NetCDF format, with each file extension containing different variables: - AGC: temp (temperature), u (zonal wind), tot_dudt (total zonal wind tendency), epflx_div (divergence of the Eliassen-Palm flux), wstar (residual vertical velocity), dudt_trnsadv (zonal wind tendency from transformed advection), dudt_epflxdiv (zonal wind tendency from EP flux divergence) - AIJ: ij_mc_c_m10r_mom_flux (momentum flux from the c=-10 wave), ij_mc_c_m20r_mom_flux (momentum flux from the c=-20 wave). The total momentum flux is 4 times the sum of the absolute value of these two quantities, as described in Rind et al. (1988). - AJL: dudt_mdrgm10 (zonal wind tendency due to the c=-10 wave), dudt_mdrgp10 (same for c=+10), dudt_mdrgp20 (same for c=-20), dudt_mdrgp20 (same for c=+20) - TAIJ: O3_Total_Mass (total ozone mass). This chemistry output is not available for the NINT simulation. - TAJL: CH4_CONCENTRATION, O3_CONCENTRATION (methane and ozone concentrations). This chemistry output is not available for the NINT simulation. Further information is available in the NetCDF files, e.g. “ncdump -h pi_linoz.agc”. There is one extra file: 2x_linoz/2x_linoz_gap.agc. For technical reasons, the 2x_linoz output was discontinous, with approximately 1 year missing partway through the record. The first portion of the record (i.e., the continuous record until the gap) was a sufficiently long sample size for Figure 5, but led to insufficient statistics for Figure 6. However, Figure 6 did not require the underlying data to be continuous, so this additional file was produced which contains all available output, with a discontinuity after the missing years.