DYnamics of the Atmospheric general circulation Modelled On Non-hydrostatic Domains

Data Access

Our DYAMONDv2 data can be accessed via the NCCS Dataportal - Datashare

Available run data:

  1. Coupled 4km ocean and 6km atmosphere with interactive two-moment aerosol cloud microphysics:
    → Or, via NCCS access at Discover: /css/g5nr/DYAMONDv2/GEOS_6km_Atmosphere-MITgcm_4km_Ocean-Coupled
    [ See also: File Specification for Coupled 4km ocean and 6km atmosphere with interactive two-moment aerosol cloud microphysics: PDF. ]

  2. 3km 181-level atmosphere with single-moment 6-phase cloud microphysics including 1km global carbon emissions for chemistry transport:
    → Or via NCCS access at Discover: /css/g5nr/DYAMONDv2/03KM/DYAMONDv2_c2880_L181
    [ See also: File Specification for 3km 181-level atmosphere data: PDF. ]

  3. 1.5km 181-level atmosphere with simple parameterized chemistry:
    → Or via NCCS access at Discover: /css/g5nr/DYAMONDv2/01KM/DYAMONDv2_c5760_L181 [ See also: File Specification for 1.5km 181-level atmosphere data: PDF. ]