This study assesses the impact of satellite-rainfall error structure on soil moisture simulations with the NASA
Catchment Land Surface Model. Specifically, the study contrasts a multi-dimensional satellite rainfall error model
(SREM2D) to the standard rainfall error model used to generate rainfall ensembles as part of the Land Data Assimilation
System developed at the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (NASA-LDAS). The study
is conducted in the Oklahoma region, which presents a good coverage by weather radars and multi-year satellite
rainfall products. We used high-resolution (25-km / 3-hourly) satellite rainfall fields derived from the NOAA
CMORPH global satellite product and rain gauge-calibrated radar rainfall fields (considered as reference rainfall).
The NASA-LDAS simulations are evaluated in terms of both rainfall and soil moisture error analysis fields. Comparisons
of SREM2D simulated rainfall against reference radar rainfall show that the more complex SREM2D
error modeling technique, unlike the standard NASA-LDAS error model, could preserve the rainfall error characteristics
across different spatial scales. The study confirms that a multi-dimensional error-structure, as modeled in
SREM2D, is needed to generate rainfall ensembles with realistic variability capable of enveloping the reference
rainfall. The rainfall uncertainty structure is shown to propagate and produce similar patterns in terms of surface
and root zone soil moisture. Thus, soil moisture simulations appear sensitive to the complexity of the error modeling
approaches used to generate ensembles. As a conclusion the study shows that perturbing satellite rainfall fields
with a complex error model leads to more variability and better accuracy in the simulated soil moisture fields,
which should have a beneficial impact on soil moisture data assimilation.