The Land Information System (LIS) is a hydrologic modeling framework that integrates
various community land surface models, ground and satellite-based observations,
and high performance computing and data management tools to enable
assessment and prediction of hydrologic conditions at various spatial and temporal
scales. The LIS architecture is designed using advanced software engineering principles,
allowing interoperability of land surface models, meteorologic inputs, land
surface parameters and observational data. In this work, we describe a data assimilation
extension of the LIS framework that allows the incorporation and interplay
of multiple sequential data assimilation algorithms, multiple observational sources
and multiple land surface models. The implemented data assimilation algorithms
vary in complexity, ranging from direct insertion to Ensemble Kalman Filtering
(EnKF). The LIS data assimilation extension is uniquely suited to compare the
assimilation of various data types in different land surface models within a single
framework, which is demonstrated here with a suite of synthetic soil moisture and
snow assimilation experiments. The high performance infrastructure in LIS provides
adequate support to efficiently conduct the data assimilation simulations of
high computational granularity.