The accuracy of terrestrial water storage (TWS) estimates is limited by a lack of observations
and by inherent uncertainties in the model simulation. Although the Gravity and Recovery
Climate Experiment (GRACE) has revolutionized large-scale remote sensing of the Earth’s
terrestrial hydrologic cycle, its coarse-scale (in space and time), vertically-integrated measure of
TWS limits the applicability to smaller scale hydrologic applications. In order to enhance modelbased
estimates of TWS and its constituent components while effectively adding resolution (in
space and time) to the coarse-scale TWS retrievals, a multi-variate, multi-sensor data
assimilation framework is presented here that simultaneously assimilates gravimetric retrievals
of TWS in conjunction with passive microwave (PMW) brightness temperature (Tb)
observations over snow-covered terrain. The framework uses the NASA Catchment Land
Surface Model (Catchment) and an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). A synthetic case study is
presented for the Volga River Basin in Russia that compares model results with and without
assimilation against synthetic observations of hydrologic states and fluxes. The AMSRE/AMSR-2-only
assimilation improved snow water equivalent (SWE) estimates. The GRACEonly
assimilation improved TWS estimation but not always produced accurate estimates of
SWE. The dual assimilation typically led to more accurate TWS and SWE estimates. The results
demonstrate that GRACE TWS and AMSE-E can be jointly assimilated to produce improved
TWS component estimate.