At the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO), near
real-time seasonal forecasts are routinely produced with the GMAO
CGCMv1, a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean-land general circulation model.
In the tropics, skill in seasonal forecasting derives primarily from
initialization and prediction of sea surface temperature (SST).
During summer over mid-latitude land, SST forcing has limited impact
on predictions of
precipitation and surface temperature, but some predictability at
sub-seasonal to seasonal time scales may result from slowly varying land
boundary conditions. At the GMAO, we now use realistic soil moisture
and ground temperature initial conditions for our seasonal forecasts.
These are derived off-line
using observed surface meteorological forcing data from the
Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS).
In this paper, we describe our new
initialization scheme and demonstrate its impact on the seasonal
forecasts generated for May through September 2004.