[EXTERNAL] About GISS CMIP6 data Orbe, Clara (GISS-6110) Tue 3/29/2022 12:57 PM Hi Xiuyuan: Very nice meeting you as well -- you're doing very interesting work! 1. E2-1-G data: I checked our local machine cluster to see what we have processed (but which possibly wasn't uploaded to ESGF) and I see that we do not have the ESGF-formatted fields for daily SAT and SLP for that member (r1i1p1f1). However, we *do* have three-hourly surface air temperature and 3-hourly surface air (not sea level) pressure. Would those fields be sufficient for you? If not, no worries, but it will take me a bit of time (~1-2 weeks) to get that data processed for you if you're OK waiting. 2. E2-2-G data (higher vertical resolution (102 vs. 40 levels) and higher model top): With respect to the "Middle Atmosphere" version of the GISS climate model (E2-2-G) you will find that there is output of that model version on the ESGF archive. First, now that you have the name of that model version can you please check to see what data is already available on ESGF? Depending on what you find, I can confirm for you that we have in-house the daily SAT, SLP, wind (U and V) and height fields for the years 1970-2015 from the historical period. Question: This data is processed in ESFG format only for years 1970-2015 -- is that time period sufficient or do you need data extending all the way back to 1850? Again, it is not a problem for me to process any additional data that you need. The above inventory simply reflects what has already been put into ESGF format. While it will take some time to process additional fields, in practice it should not take too long, so long as you're content waiting 1-2 weeks. In this case whatever you can't find on ESGF I will upload for you to my ftp site (I provided that link in the chat during our zoom meeting). Cheers, Clara NOTES FOR SELF: Hi Ken: I hope you are doing well. I have been asked by a colleague about some missing data on the ESGF archive that I hope you can help me find. Do you have the daily mean surface air temperature and sea level pressure fields for this run?: /discover/nobackup/projects/cmip6/pub/CMIP6/CMIP/NASA-GISS/GISS-E2-1-G/historical/r1i1p1f1/ I see that these fields (at least daily surface air temperature, but not sea level pressure) were processed for some of the other ensemble members (e.g., /discover/nobackup/projects/cmip6/pub/CMIP6/CMIP/NASA-GISS/GISS-E2-1-G/historical/r1i1p1f2/day/tas/), but some reason not this one. Thanks in advance for your help in processing this data... ~Clara We have 3hourly surface air temperature -- is this sufficient? r1i1p1f1/3hr/tas/gn/v20181015/tas_3hr_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_185001010300-186001010000.nc We have 3hourly surface pressure -- is this sufficient? ncdump -h r1i1p1f1/3hr/ps/gn/v20181015/ps_3hr_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_199001010300-200001010000.nc XIUYUAN DING Fri 3/25/2022 5:42 PM Hi, Prof. Orbe, It was nice to meet with you! The data I’m looking at is CMIP6 historical runs. From ESGF I got some of the GISS-E2-1-G data. In order to do the analysis we discussed, I still need daily Surface Air Temperature (SAT) and Sea Level Pressure (SLP) in r1i1p1f1 run. If you could provide access to the data from another version of GISS, I'll need daily SAT, SLP, and Geopotential Height, Temperature, Zonal wind, Meridional wind on pressure levels. Best, Xiuyuan